During the first half of 2022, the political climate of our turbulent world is looking relatively quiet, and the U.S. is looking more peaceful. The 2022 eclipses fall on the Scorpio/Taurus axis, which means that these chaotic moments will affect you more than most. Katy Jane, Ph.D. Vedic Astrologer. Visual is apparently 60,000 to 75,000 times faster than reading numbers or text! Happy New Year! This is a good time for completing existing projects rather than starting new ones. You are a party lover and finding a fun place to live in the US, aren't you? Jupiter will also be "trine" the Suna heavenly aspect, one of the best possible you could hope forboosting your health, optimism, and romantic allure. Saturn moves to sidereal Aquarius on April 28, departing Capricorn, where he's been preparing the ground for this great shift in the world since January 2020. Your ruling planet, Mercury, goes through four of its infamous retrogrades this year, Gemini. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may. So just make time to factor in cat naps during 2022 because two solar eclipses will shake up your world. Many countries will experience protests and unrest, and people will resist authorities moving closer to revolution. On the other, you can be jealous and sometimes even manipulative. Here are the top 10 popular cereal brands in the US to help you have more options for a healthy and convenient breakfast. "Most likely, we'll have a new normal, with periodic shocks in one form or another and 2022 will be indicative of this," said astrologer and author Tatiana Borsch. Everyone will recognize the benefits of the Virtual world. This may be your best mantra for 2022. Jupiter in Pisces will greatly expand your circle of friends, contacts, and colleagues. Here are key facts about China's population and its projected changes in the coming decades, based on data from the UN and other sources: Although China will lose its title as the world's most populous country, the UN still estimates its population at 1.426 billion people in 2022. However, as you can see from the Visual World Events tables above, from Feb onwards, we don't see the govt restrictions like the lockdowns. Technology and virtual reality may attempt to substitute emotional closeness using Robots and AI. Over the next 18 months of their collective transit, Rahu presents us with a dazzling array of brilliant new technologies of Mind. Astrograph Inc. 1800 Sheppard Ave. East, #55019, North York ON M2J 5B9 Canada, Awareness of Your Subconscious Motivations. Emphasis on music therapy Floods may be the result of this position, but there will be increased humanitarian missions and concern for the welfare of the poor and needy. After a tough couple of years, 2022 represents a time of expansion and optimism, Aries. You're a natural-born leader, and fine, you're almost always right. Tatiana has an outstanding track record as a professional astrologer and has made guest appearances on many popular television shows. and fake actors, fake singers. This is fantastic for your romantic life, so look your best! Unfortunately, some quite famous personal astrologer got called out by the NYT for "not predicting the pandemic" and the Times had great fun with that, citing it as proof that astrology didn't work, sadly. There will also be a lovely time in February and March for fun and love and for meeting that special someone if single. Sure, darling Taurus, your ruling planet Venus is retrograde when 2022 begins, but don't let that get you down. Don't forget that these times also bring exes back from the dead, but don't allow yourself to be pulled back into any toxic situations. One of the most exciting astrological omens we have to look forward to in 2022 is February's Pluto return. Mercury retrograde coincides with delays but this can also make you more efficient, punctual, and better organized in the long run. Most Auspicious Dates and Days to do Everything In Every Month of 2023: Engagement, Wedding, Moving House, Buying Car, Child Birth, etc. And, as a reminder, eclipses are stressful. This is the time to re-evaluate your business and improve its efficiency. Astrologers predict that 2022 will bring " enlightenment, glow-ups, and some serious rebirths " and that we should " expect for secrets to be revealed, the marginalized to rise up, and . In fact, Saturn in early degrees of Pisces will affect everyone born between 1970 and 1977 as well as children born between 2013 and 2016. Financially and economically, the first half of the year is much better than the second half.. After 30 years of traveling and studying yoga & Sanskrit throughout India, Dr. Katy now lives at Dunagiri Retreat (in Indias northeastern Himalayan foothills) which she shares with her husband, five Tibetan mastiffs, and frequent groups of yoga retreatants and spiritual seekers. How to decode every sign, from curious Aquarius to fierce Leo. The majority of what you will easily find on social media are only interested in personal, natal astrology for the masses. retailers. She has received numerous awards for films broadcasted across Russia and other countries. Pluto represents changes at the fundamental level, and Capricorn is the sign for manufacturing, big business, corporations, government, and everyone's attitude towards material possessions, and we will see a complete transformation in all these areas. What did Nostradamus predict for 2022? If you want to know what's in store for the world in 2022, Astrology has some answers. (23 Mar 2023 to 11 Jun 2023, Re-enters 20 Jan 2024 to 8 Mar 2043), This is the beginning of true digital information and the age of Artificial Intelligence. You're still as desired as ever, so always double-check that your work emails are typo-free and that you're sexting the right sidepiece. In 2022, there could be a tsunami in Japan, especially around Tokyo and there could be a huge . Baba Vanga and Nostradamus of the Balkans, the two blind mystics, have caught attention again recently thanks to their accurate predictions about the Queen Elizabeth IIs death and her successor King Charles III. 2022 may very well be our year. 2022 MONTH BY MONTH. Something special is happening in 2022. It also helps bridge the older and the new generation (grandparents on Facebook!). Solar Life Report Just like your Birthdate, the Sun makes many other important Aspects on the Same Dates, Every Year, All Your Life! Mercury retrograde: January 14, 2022 - February 3, 2022. New laws will be in the work for govt regulations for all digital crypto transfers. It also seems an interesting coincidence that the bonds are due now from the WWII period and most of them are held by China which is being singled out for the blame as if to renege on the payment worth trillions! For what reasons might the capital be besieged? The communication planet goes retrograde again in Gemini fromTuesday, May 10. Sign us up. Now we have to assert even more effort to become un-parched. This only happens once a year, and it will be 12 years until it happens again in your fifth house of true love. 2022 is a great year to go first. However, Saturn squaring his Moon is in effect from March 2023 till March 2024 and exactly in Apr, Sep, and Dec 2023. Collectively, we've been through a lot. The influence of the former president, Donald Trump, will grow, leading to serious struggles and clashes within democratic institutions. This will be a fast-paced year. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. He will also be involved with some major social reforms which affect families. Many countries will experience protests and unrest, and people will resist authorities moving closer to revolution. Plus, the lucky planet Jupiter enters your sign, Aries, bringing blessings to your love life and career. Holography and virtual 3d presence will make the global community even closer but lack human interaction. Remember, when Mercury is retrograde, make sure to allow extra time for travel and expect delays. It would be in his interest to solidify the gains of the Russian majority in the Eastern part of South Ukraine before March 2023. Do you ever feel as if there is never enough money? What's in store for your zodiac sign in 2022? In Aries between 22nd April 2023 & 15th May 2023. Eating healthy and meditation is the need of the hour. The planning has been going on for some time and it will take some time for the digital world to take over most functions of daily life. Your emotional depth is your strength, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But it's only natural to feel a bit wary given the amount of hope we had at the start of 2020 and 2021. only to have it shattered by pandemics, stressful elections, insurrections, and violence. Are you excited yet? Your 2022 Horoscope: Free Astrology Predictions . This year, especially around your birthday, brings surprises and blessings to your love life. This event happens every 84 years. China and Russia will grow stronger, which could continue into 2023 or 2024. Her recent book Complete Horoscope 2022gives readers insights into what lies ahead in the upcoming year. Your love life will also sparkle brightly this year, including on February 16 when Venus and Mars, the two planets of love, conjoin in Capricorn, sending your magnetism sky high. You're perhaps the most emotionally deep and psychic sign of the zodiac, Pisces, but that blessing can also be a burden. This is also a time when there is misinformation and also new epidemics. Inner peace for Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will enter a more emotional and creative year in 2022, forging deeper connections to home and family. We have a personalized website for our subscribers to use your free choice most effectively and you can subscribe to it Astrocalendar (a personalized website for you and your family). It enters Taurus onSunday, May 22, before going direct onFriday, June 3. Check outAstroCalendarUnlock Nature's Most Closely Guarded SecretsYour Inner Timing! Here are the unique life lessons that you should remember! All of the eclipses take place on the Taurus-Scorpio axis, which is all about transformation. The danger of nuclear confrontations and threats will diminish after the first week of July as Mars moves away from the aggressive military sign of Aries and moves into Taurus. Because the planet rules love, beauty, and abundance, it's easier to feel as if you shine dimmer during this time. This is a good time for research of existing projects and time management. It's also a difficult time because Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018 and will remain there until April 26, 2026. Additionally, we are going to be feeling a lot more in harmony overall with the world around us, and ushering a feeling of romanticism towards life again. Astrological Prediction for New Year 2022: The year 2021 has been a mixed bag and a year of recovery for many of us after 2020. As cited by the GentSide website, Nostradamus predicts several worrying events for 2022: 1. These evening routines will help you open up a bright future in your career and life. You are on the cusp of entering the best financial year in the decade possibly of your entire life. Major advances in fiber optics and light for the health industry, Electro-magnetic technology used a lot mass in transportation, Fusion reactors possible which will dramatically impact energy crisis and clilmate problems, Self Driven cars will become the norm leading to drop in accidents and lowering of insurance, Robot partners will be a big boom and change social interaction, Humanoid robots in factories around the world, Elon Musks no part of Earth without text is one such event, AI will take control and Virtual Reality will be the norm. Even your health will improve, and by year's end, you will feel stronger than when you started. The last time this happened was on 4 Apr 1777. Prince Andrew's chart also shows his mother's health depleting although it could be pointing to his own setbacks (Saturn sq Moon). And yes, that may mean finally blocking your toxic ex's phone number. Here is Nostradamus' prediction in the 10th quatrain of Centuria III: Of blood and hunger greater calamity / Seven times appreciate to the marine beach / Monech of hunger, place taken, captivity.. According to him, Expect major situations with governments and people in power to fall from grace due to these themes in the second half of 2022. Be excited because 2022 is a lyrical, beautiful year with many rewards in store. What are the most absurd laws in the world? Covid is natures way of balancing the life circle and asking people to slow down a little. I advise people not to ignore any health issues or take current health situation lightly, mentioned Vig, offering a word of caution. What Baba Vanga Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, Top 8 Nostradamus Predictions For 2022 and Fact-Check, What is Baba Vanga Predictions 2021 and Fact-Check, Nostradamus' prophecies: Top 9 Shocking Predictions for 2021 and Fact-Check, World Cup Prediction: Super Animals Predict Argentina Will Beat Saudi Arabia. Among the new friends you make, if you are single, one may become a serious romantic interest. Clashes in hotspots will increase during the second half of 2022, weakening NATO countries," said Borsch. This is a completely new ideology that will also see global businesses run from homes. The first two images show what Nov 2020 to Dec 2020 looked like and you can see the Deep Red (planets in Scorpio) indicating violence and vindictiveness and the dark Brown (planets in Capricorn) showing lockdowns and govt restrictions. There are a whopping four Mercury retrogrades in 2022, so grab your pen and paper to add these dates to your calendar. International Workers' Day or Labour Day is gonna be celebrated on this first day of May to honour the struggles and gains made by workers and labourers. She has had it all of this year (2021) and it becomes exact on 29 Dec 2021. It's not just you. Dr. Katy received a doctorate in Religious Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2001, taught at the University of . Biometrics and voice recognition will improve but will also cause major problems and pose a danger to society. But while you're out there trying to save the world, Aquarius, don't forget about yourself. Your 12 Month Forecast gives the most important dates for Love, Money, Health, Travel, and accident prone days. Intuitive astrologer, Rose Smith, believes the stars hold clues for the year and says she sees a change of pace in the world, and the ability to move forward from the pandemic as a collective. The summer should be especially romantic for you, as the lover planet Venus dances through your sign. Read your full 2022 horoscope here. 2022 is the year to find your community. This prediction indicates that in 2022, world hunger will increase due to the multiplication of armed conflicts. In 2022, everyone is further encouraged to stay true to their moral standards. During May 15-June 24, there may be a gradual slowdown. The Geological revolution will continue till 2023. According to him, there is a chance of yet another wave in India and US during Dec 2021-Feb 2022. And with Saturn moving through Aquarius, Thomas says that there will likely be much divide on how governments use their power to impose restrictions upon its people. In turn, we will feel pushed to find a middle ground. https://nypost.com/2021/12/30/major-2022-astrology-predictions-for-the-us-and-the-world/, Awareness Act 2022 All Rights Reserved. This year, Leo, it feels like you've turned a corner. According to psychological astrologer Jennifer Freed, 2022 will be an opportunity for reevaluation, repair, and rapid expansion. Kim-Jong Un would thus be the victim of an unexpected accident. Thankfully, when Venus, the planet of abundance, enters your sign in May, you're ready to make bank. All in all, 2022 is about not only finding your community but finding yourself and then living by your principles. Neptune also rules the arts. Confrontation from Mars is the theme for the second half of the year, which leads to negativity, crises, and wars. The coming year will be one of the best years for your career in over a decade, with a cornucopia of professional opportunities you used to only dream about. Finally, Saturn at 18 Virgo. they come with a special, exclusive 52-page booklet from Susan Miller that will lay the blueprint for your year ahead. You will meet high-level people and make superb new contacts, including, possibly, a romantic interest that could be one you've long sought but wondered if you'd ever find. Read your full 2022 horoscope here. When the independent planet Uranus conjuncts the North Node in your sign, Taurus, you receive a major push from the universe to transform into a more evolved version of yourself. 2022 isn't all stressful, however. In Leo & Cancer between 24th August 2023 & 16th September 2023. For the first time in 12 years, fortunate Jupiter will be in Pisces, a water sign that blends perfectly with yours. As per Vig, due to the mercury retrograde which began on May 29, 2021, the planet of communication, commerce, and travel is moving backward until June 22, 2021. For more than 30 years, Tatiana Borschhas been a renowned Russian astrologer, writer, and award-winning documentary film producer. This is the modern era and some of the most advanced and revolutionary technology in optics, light, cellular, artificial intelligence, transport, etc starting. What Jupiter started and Saturn make it productive, Pluto will reflect the true beginning of the futuristic world. You can suffer from digestion-related issues as a result of Mars transiting in Pisces from mid-May till August. Katy Jane, Ph.D. is a counseling Vedic astrologer, Sanskrit & world religions scholar, and teacher of yoga teachers. This could also be the reconstruction of houses and infrastructure in the Donbas region which will probably be united with Russia again. Retreating to refocus doesn't mean that you're doomed to be alone. Based on the movement of Pluto, Rahu and Jupiter, Vastu Acharya Srivastava feels that the world will start witnessing better times from January 2022 when Pluto comes back to one degree in direct motion. The Aquarius planets also indicate the Virtual World becoming more of a norm but not due to govt restrictions but because families are able to spend time with their children, global online education and virtual work with no borders get to be the preferred way to conduct business. FEBRUARY. Another famous astrologer, Mahama Hopadya Pandit has predicted that the pandemic will be over by the end of 2021. Read your full 2022 horoscope here. It's also the perfect time to focus your romantic energy on intimacy and deepen emotional connections. Read your full 2022 horoscope here. Let's look at the prediction, TV channels, team news, betting tips, and match odds. Thursday 17: "Many countries, including the U.S. and China, will rebuild their economies, and China could become the global leader. After the first week of March 2022, there will be a major push towards global digital currency and government restrictions for it. Synthetic Diamonds and other stones will be manufactured. Jupiter in Sagittarius: What the Lucky Astrological Event Means for You, Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality, Explained by an Astrologer, A Beginners Guide to Astrological Rising Signs and What They Mean. Just make sure to double down on self-care this year, especially during the eclipses in fellow water sign Scorpio, as this energy can make you paranoid. However, his succession is already assured, as a member of his family will be in charge of the country. Knowinsiders.com's latest ranking: Top best hospitals, largest hospitals in countries around the world for citizens and visitors in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, etc. New ways of preserving history in electronic format. I am sure vaccination will have a huge role to play in bringing us out of these challenges, he said. Why You Have to Close Bedroom Door at Night? There's another solar eclipse onTuesday, October 25, in Scorpio, followed by a lunar eclipse in Taurus onTuesday, November 8. You're ruled by the moon, and as a result, are sensitive, intuitive, and throw fabulous dinner parties. It's a big year! It would be in the interest of Ukrainian leaders and especially their Western backers to initate peace before any more suffering. With our newfound inner freedom and uniqueness, we have the chance to grow our own skills into something both beautiful and meaningful to the world. A solar eclipse goes down onSaturday, April 30, in Taurus, followed by a lunar eclipse in Scorpio onMonday, May 16. | Legal DMCA Privacy. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is all over the place in 2022, so an extra dose of self-care will do you well. Virtual reality will become much more realistic.The United States of America was founded in 1776 which is 246 years in 2022. A couple of years ago, a few Astrologers, including myself, predicted that the world would see some turmoil around 2019-2022. It is not possible to know if he spoke of covid-19 or another disease, because as Baba Vanga said: Even those who escape (from natural disasters) will die of a horrible disease. If it is not the coronavirus, it could be the new virus that could devastate the planet or the new pandemic that Bill Gates refers to.