Yes, there are some options for online support for scrupulosity. We're Christians, not because we're perfect but we believe and follow Christ. He wants us to seek Him above anything or any human. I believe my OCD stems from fearful teaching and biblical beliefs. You dont want to wildly flail your arms in defense. But I remember what God told me. In Jude 1:22, it says on some have compassionbut others save with fear. Different people are drawn by different means. I dont mean it st all. Like even if my feelings are kinda lost, even if my motives are selfish/intellectual, even if my heart is hardened, even if I have willfully and deliberately sinned a LOT, backslidden, and etc? I try and believe in my heart that God understands the promise that I made as a child and that He does not view my thoughts at the time of breaking the promise as something that I really wanted to do.. Can you guide me and help me please? What about the thought? After all, Jesus glorifies everyone whom He justifies (Rom. I asked the Holy Spirit to change my thinking to renew my mind. 100% Prophetic Accuracy (Deuteronomy 18:22, Jeremiah 28:9) 2. There was no denying the power of God was on display. I had been doing much better then some of it started rearing its ugly head. He had come to such hardness of heart against God, such love for the world his bowl of cereal against his inheritance. I need more advice from you please, this article was so helpful I need more please! I just feel lost. I spoke to my Pastor and I was given the explanation for what the unpardonable sin really is. Also, are there any online support groups for this topic? Hi, Destiny, I think its quite common for intrusive thoughts to involve questions of reality. We may wonder if the important elements of our faith are fake, if reality is fake, and basically everything that possible to question, we question. Just brush them off and move on. I used to struggle with these thoughts, too. I find that that out of nowhere I can be just thinking of other stuff and all of a sudden bad thoughts against God come in and words. Just recently I was prayed over at church and this last week my mind is clearer than it has been in along time. Tell Him your sorry and rededicate your life back to Him. You dont want to do anything aggressive. All of us have messed up motivations. And thoughts certainly arent good predictors for our true spiritual condition. I some cases I physically shake my head in effort to get rid of the thoughts. Thank you Jamie, this is helpful, but Im finding its dangerous reading about forms of scrupulosity that I dont (yet) have, because some of the horrors Im reading here might give me ideas! I pray that some day I'll be able to helps others. Does God still love me? Once committed, it cannot be undone. Eventually, we will build up a higher tolerance for these uncomfortable thoughts and they will bother us less. I pray for God to restore my faith and deliver me from this, but he doesn't. As soon as I try to come back to the Lord these evil thoughts would reemerge. I also feel a strange thing; like I not able to move my whole body or talk all of a sudden and then those evil thoughts come to life( voices) and they tell me I haven't been forgiven and how mush they hate me and don't want me to be God's ( my father) daughter and sometimes even aske to join the devil in his evil work instead. For the the past year I've been struggling with intrusive thoughts and now it getting worse. I have felt like I was a screw up. Lets put a couple of key passages in front of us about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit so we know what we are talking about. A healthy ability to distinguish between His role as king and our role as subjects will protect us from blasphemy. D. A. Carson says such people are "thoughtfully, willfully, and self-consciously rejecting the work of the Spirit." 1 Their blasphemy is to deny the Spirit's And thank you for all that you're doing, and thank you in advance! All we desire is to have life in abundance and in full as Christ promised us. We need to learn how to cast our cares upon God in complete trust. And I think about Him and His goodness and perfection, and it calms me down. Or it can be a form of arrogant disrespect to your Creator, either in the form of cursing, taunting, or vile speaking. It is the Spirit who works in the lives of unbelievers as well, testifying to the truth of who Jesus is to lead them to repentance and salvation. I know exactly what you mean. Remember when Elijah was running away from the evil queen Jezebel? Thank you. They went from being the children of God to being the slaves of sin. They are things Ive previously confessed and Told Jesus Christ about it. Please is it a case of SCRUPULOSITY? And this is a battle for sure. Fighting back against blasphemous thoughts is a sure-fire way to get yourself stuck in an endless loop of self-analysis, doubt, and ever-rising anxiety. I now just have to convince myself that it is satan doing this and not myself. If all will be saved, then the scary verses must not be true. I know that I believe what the Bible says is true. I dont want to doubt or be in unbelief about God and I dont know how to stop feeling this way. Not even you. Hello I want to subscribe to your coaching session but they are sold out. I want freedom, healing, peace, and joy. For I am bno longer under the law but under grace and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is always sufficient for me. However, part of the equation is also your own inner beliefs and life experiences (yep, its the nature-nurture balancing act in OCD, we have both). God is your Heavenly Father, Friend, & Counselor. How to Know if you have Committed Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Just when you were about to sit down at the outdoor picnic, you hear the ominous buzz of a bee around your head. It no longer serves the helpful function of true guilt, and you may cast it away. It comes from the word scruples a strong moral or ethical reservation. Not that God wouldnt want to forgive me, but He said that was unforgivable, and has to be true to His word. Saying in my mind lord satan or father satan. I think it may be very probable that the reason I want to get back to God is purely because of selfish/intellectual reasons. When the intrusive thoughts press in, we imagine ourselves sitting with our Good Shepherd at this table. "Good and upright is the Lord: therefore will He teach sinners in the way.". He writes. (I may be wrong but to me it's logical). I don't want to live depressed. I am not only a devil worshipper, I am a demon in disguise! I still fight them in hopes someday they'll disappear but they don't. It's not your job to save you. God does all this for us in Christ. A common peasant would be out of line if he attempted to make a royal declaration. Where do they fit into the discussion? I wish all of the nonsense would just go away. Thank you very much Sir, during my moments of ts thoughts I sometimes do feel God so real and that he's looking at me and answering me.Sometimes too I use to feel abandoned unhappy and that He is very angry with me. We all must understand and believe and know that it is all forgiven by the blood of Jesus. As you can see, there are multiple aspects to blasphemy. While I was using I started decoding the verses again and I ended up back in the hospital. This constitutes the U in our acronym RUMP. Thank you very much for bringing this up! He felt like God did not love Him anymore and that they would be separated forever, but this was not the case. Well, please do get in touch. Anyhow little did I know that I will be challenged so badly religiously that it nearly killed me. I will briefly discuss the following: I wont lie to you riding out the wave of anxiety that comes with intrusive thoughts is tough. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is still happening today. We can thank Him that we may also struggle as He struggled and we may grow stronger through each experience. David, we are all in this together. I have this phrase that goes on in my mind in nicer words screw the Lord. Lay this burden down at His feet, asked Him to heal your mind. But also recognize the underlying OCD pattern, so if it morphs away from worrying about your loved ones salvation to worrying about whether your yellow shirt will cause a car accident, youll know exactly whats happening: OCDs magical thinking. I would have to write book to describe the scope of my scrupulosity and the terror and misery it causes me. I have a lot of questions lol but I think that these questions for you personally is a good start in talking to somebody. When this happens, there is nothing or no one who will move that person to repentance and without repentance there can be no forgiveness. As it says in Psalm 142:2, I pour out mycomplaintbefore Him; I declare before Him my trouble. I complained and not with Pollyannas positive outlook. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. So that's my objective right now. Therefore, we should neither think profanely nor speak profanely of the Christian faith because doing so would cause us to sin. The second lesson for you to learn is that you need to ask God to help you to be bold about your beliefs, You sound like you may be kind of young, maybe under 35 years old. No, I definitely dont believe youre too far gone. No one is beyond the reach of Gods mercy and healing! I had focused so much on the blaspheming part that I forgot (or never knew/realized in the first place) that it also said speaking against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. One day I was talking to God about how I was feeling due to intrusive thoughts. Anyhow I came out stronger and renewed. Thoughts have VERY little relationship to the real world. And that is solved by repeating mantras in addition to remembering the fact that i am a male. Therefore, you dont have to worry about committing this sin. This is a type of treatment that involves getting you to face your biggest fear head-on, either through real or imagined exposure. Try going into a vision or picture in your mind the second you know the thought is coming. The universe around me.. and i often think i already in fact died and im in hell because hell is a place of confusion just as i experience everything. Remember, the doubting guy who said, Lord, I believe help my unbelief! He was trying to believe, and Jesus didnt bash him over the head with a threat of the unpardonable sin. My heart DROPPED!!!! The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. Don't expect a feeling or rapid spiritual recovery. How Can I Recognize and Understand the Holy Spirit Better? Matt 12:32 ; Luke 12:10 ), has vexed both scholars and ordinary Christians for . a few months later my baptism certificate fell off the wall. For example, the girl who grows up being told shes ugly will eventually believe that, even though its a lie. God understands the weaknesses of our broken brains and is not holding you accountable for it any more than He would judge a low-IQ person for not understanding complex theological thoughts. And he felt bad as did I and I am really scared that I committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit because I smiled/laughed at the joke. Does blasphemous thoughts also apply to other gods as well? But thought-action fusion pushes the boundaries. The Unforgivable Sin | EWTN It's in these moments, we learn to get out of our feelings and learn true faith. Mo Higgs, Hi Jenn, I struggle with similar things too God loves you nonetheless! Eventually, it listened and I'm out of that groove now, and know when to take "phrases and sayings" or associations / connotations with a dose of good humour. Everything had spiraled from there. Will you make my motives pure? Here is Jesus in Mark 3:2830: Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin for they were saying, He has an unclean spirit. In other words, they were attributing Jesuss deeds to the devil instead of God. He's rooting for you! Bow down and worship Satan, before Jesus was able to respond to the devil, the devil's words had to first be processed in Jesus' mind (intrusive thought) before He could quote the Word of God. I want to know that God is with me. Im working on my fourth degree. Im glad youre able to relate! Some will be drawn to Christ through the kind compassion of a true Christian, while others will be drawn to Christ by somber thoughts of what may be coming in the future. They argue (perhaps wrongly) that religious believers are hypocrites while they are not hypocritical in any way. I think the hardest step for me is when I feel as though my faith is weak and I am disconnected from God when I call on the Holy Spirit. Blasphemous Thoughts: The Ultimate Guide (Updated 2020) - Now, you get these bad feelings and get caught trying to figure out if you did something wrong or not. The letter opened with the salutation, Your Magnificence., President Truman chuckled and told his staff, I like that. But then I started doubting salvation and have thoughts of unbelief. Trust me on this, and that those thoughts are not your own, as you struggle with them. Take care my friend and I pray God will lift your spirits and bring you to His side. Yes, Juliet it is possible to re-wire the mind. Only the King can make legal rulings to dole out justice or forgive sins. We crave a sense of belonging. I truly believe that the Lord put this in my path to understand this condition, at the time of the depression I did not know what it was. They were so foreign and against what I believed, against the person I truly am. What has helped me recently with this is I was prayed for in church and the pastor asked the members of my church, if any one here feels the battle in your mind so much you feel your mind is going to explode step forward. What did they do? My pastors talked about hell, church rules, and sin. This article really helped me on where I stand with the unpardonable sin. I am here seeking you, Lord, even with all my issues. To learn more about his ministry please visit Ive done sins willfully too , I have asked God for forgiveness. Typically, these are people who have scrupulosity, also known asreligious OCD. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. I felt like I willfully did this so I got so depressed that I kept having bad thoughts against the Holy Spirit that one carried no feelings of anxiety with it until the thought had ended and then I kept having them and it felt like I truly WILLFULLY chose them but then again I look back and I see that I was breathing heavily, was over analyzing everything, had a resistance to the thought and did not agree and to this day Im still ruminating over whether I truly said a blasphemy or not. Well it started rearing its ugly head again and I ran across this article. I've been suffering with Scrupulosity since 1994.. I think it was after one of the addresses of Dale Ralph Davies. She flirted with me, and we ended up in a sexual relationship. Thats progress. Even my anxiety itself conjures these. This just happened to me a few weeks ago. I was always ashamed to cry in front of other people. Intrusive thoughts are: Lets look at each of these characteristics and how it is important to finding our escape from blasphemous thoughts. They are panicked, reactive responses to ego-dystonic religious thoughts. Can someone like me come back and be accepted? The fear of God finally found me. Seems when I am reading my Bible it pops up in my head, when I am praying it comes up in my head. I wouldnt consider it anything to worry about. If they are backed by evidence from Scripture, and they keep coming back around,it might be God convicting your heart. Its like the thought was there and I let it in. Just remember you can KNOW you have eternal life if you believe in Jesus, trust in Him and rest knowing that He has everything in His hands no matter what. Yes, religious OCD strikes people of all religious backgrounds. I am so sorry you are struggling with this. When I get out of church and not reading my Bible, it eases up. This cookie is set by Youtube. Ive had Him speak to me .. and I still question . And I dont agree with these thoughts and i dont want to accept they are my thoughts, but I feel like they really come from me since it seems to come from my negative thinking but not sure, it led to me confessing every time, but as of now, I feel when these things come out or if I happen to remember did I confess it, I start to remover the stuff again, and I feel my Holy Spirit get bothered. Like yes. For about two months now, i have been having questions about; who created Jesus Christ?. First of all, the scrupulous person will begin with obsession. I said the sinner's prayer when I was 22 while in AA at the time. There is always more to learn, more to grow. Please read this short piece: All those swarming insects gave me the heebie-jeebies! Your numbness might be quite scary, but dont be afraid of it. I was bedridden for months. I have constant intrusive thoughts that cause me fear and distress. Hi, Nick! God loves when we just talk to Him because He truly cares about EVERY aspect of our lives. i forgot about this for many years. Also read some commentaries, etc. And thankfully, its something you can fix. Will you please fix them? I believe in God and I want the Holy Spirit to keep working in me. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I even do have those ego moments where my mind will literally go against or challenge God or Jesus and have me believing it to be so. Thats when they came out of nowhere! I recommend an extremely helpful Facebook page dedicated to Christians who suffer exactly from what you are suffering from. This website has been very helpful. He can discern between intrusive thoughts and your true heart, He is Almighty God and He loves you more than you know. I am going through that situation also. The first route is to analyze passages that talk about blasphemy as ego-syntonic, chosen, willful behavior. I had to really stand firm on the truth when these thoughts would come along. But faith can reach beyond all these feelings. Without me wanting that.So yeah i think i will burn. I've started therapy in the middle of all of this and together with this website, it really helped. Also my anxiety, every time its like my anxiety/fear kicks in when I talk to Jesus , my head would then go somewhere else like to the evil one and then Id try shaking my head or confess to Jesus and tell Jesus Christ I am only praying to you and no one else I am so sorry and I hate this that I cant just talk to you without my head wondering off please forgive me, it has gotten to the point where there is trying to be more doubt in many areas, but I know God in heaven is all powerful. One part I that really resonated with me was about the bees and being still. God bless you for this relieving and helpful article too! You have to realize we are in a spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. God bless you and Jesus is Lord. There is no evidence that self-harm can stop intrusive thoughts. I also use to feel a strong sensation of preaching the gospel in which if I don't,I will feel so much condemned,I don't use to preach it because I think I will be a liar.What can I do in such situations sir? Will Blaspheming the Holy Spirit Send Me to Hell? She has been twitching , thinking they following her, feels guilty depressed, so many thing, she has even stop going to church. Everyday, wake up and choose that This Day, I'm going to serve God/Jesus, and just focus on that daynot yesterday or tomorrow. Although it is a sin, but the fact that it is not persevering and purposeful deems it to a forgivable sin. This is not, there is a sin that leads to death, but there is sin. That is the way it should be translated. 8:28-30), Have you ever gotten a thought that just wont go away, no matter what you do? I feel very sad and hopeless inside. Where's my faith? I was never diagnosed with OCD but everything explained here I can relate. Right after speaking to God, the song "No Matter What" came on the air. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Jaimie. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The sin that cannot be forgiven is the sin of continuing to reject Jesus Christ and his work. Pretty much 24/7. God doesnt even have to try hard to understand our thoughts. The thing is, sometimes, i feel free, the thoughts stop, I feel like I have finally overcomes them but then all of a sudden, they just pop from nowhere, giving me reasons why I should not believe in Christ who is the one and only true GOD. messaging_plugin_ He knows your intentions more than you do. I recently came under attack and for a second, its like I actually thought one. And by the way, a fear motivation is not necessarily a bad thing. God bless you! You may struggle with a blasphemous thought for several hours, days, or even years. In the final section of this guide, Id like to cover some of the most commonly asked questions about blasphemous thoughts. If Christ can suffer on the cross for my sins I can suffer a little pain until these thoughts dissipate. You are so precious to HIM. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Hi Jaimie. In fact, there are a number of biblical tests of a true prophet, which would include, 1. God sent an angel to give him food and rest (translation: SELF CARE!!) (Not Jesus) instead of saying I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. God is not afraid of our ugly. I just get very anxious and worried sometimes. Although you don't fully understand the resurrection, still believe in Jesus. Dont worry, this is not the unpardonable sin. But they are perceived to be meaningful, which makes them ever-so-uncomfortable. Getting doubts about your beliefs and practices can carry a lot of far-reaching implications! First, you need not to over analyze the Bible & Christianity. Now I understand that it is not my thoughts, it is the condition and that God understands. Why, thank you so much for reminding me! Though He is close and personal to each one of us, there is still an immense gap of ontological distance. Followed it. We know this from 2 Corinthians 7, which speaks about godly sorrow (which leads to a real change in our behaviors) and the sorrow of the world (which only leads to death). And I didnt even know anything of their book nor I know much of bible but I only know I have a lot of faith in jesus but they made me doubt my faith and even made me take action. Again, motivation is not something to worry about for now. I feel forgiven and yet I dont. I definitely did not and do not mean that He is anything bad, and of course God is good. That makes me worried. What Every Christian Should Know about the Protestant Reformation. That i don't invite these thoughts and that God loves me so much that he gave his only begotten Son who shed his blood on the cross and died so our sins are forgiven. And i never killed anybody. God is portrayed as a buddy-buddy nice guy in the sky and humans are said to have a spark of divinity within them. How do we deal with these biological tendencies? Right now my appointments are all booked out, but hopefully Ill have some open soon. Let no one deceive you by any means; forthat Day will not comeunless the falling away comes first, andthe man ofsin is revealed,the son of perdition,who opposes andexalts himselfabove all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sitsas God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. That these thoughts have become my reality or my true way of thinking. Is this scrupulosity? They register anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback.No sensitive data is collected unless you log in to your google account, in that case your choices are linked with your account, for example if you click like on a video.