Tschikhammen, to sweep; (tschikikkammen, A.) Mantowagan, spiritual power (from manitto.) Mattaptonen, to speak uncivil, to talk roughly, to scold. Wuleleman, to take or consider somebody to be. Shawano, woman. Tiskemanis, little fisher bird. A. Sisi'lija, Z., the buffalo (this means Scbingsittawan, to dislike to hear somebody. Moschanigeu, toothless. summer duck. (ashes. Sakquamallsoa-an, trouble, uneasiness. A.) Witschingen, to help along. Quekulukquihilleu, lame. attach one's self to, to fix upon. Liechin, to lie down, to rest. Elalogen, what to do. (gichtameneu, he is A.) Wikindewagan, marriage; (now, witawendewagan. A.) Nanni, this, that. Nutschisquandawet, doorkeeper. Ehalluchsit, the mighty and powerful. Tatchendo, but few, very little. Pailhammen, to be unable to perform. A.) for. A.) A.) Notschingen, to nurse. Kiken, to mend in health, to grow better. my eyes were kept from discerning. A. Bambil, Gachtalquot, it is to be wished, it is desirable. Ksinachpin, to be at leisure. Wentschindewagan, call, invitation. Ehelamek, ribbon. Nadan, a float; nadano amochol, the canoe floats (pithin, Petschitehen, to think so far. Wulit, good, right, handsome, pretty; well. Manschasqueen, to mow, to reap. Achtuchwiecheken, deer's hair. A.) Patamoelchittewagan, supplication for each other. Lusasu, burnt. Nallahiwi, up the river. Tangaman, Z., to thrust, to stick. one who leave the road; pachgi- hillan, to leave the road Kikechum, the mother (of beasts); (properly, a female Niskalamuin, to make an ugly noise, to cry. Amuigenan, to raise somebody up. Woapek, gensi root. Ngagiguwe, etc., I am lively, etc. Kschiechton, to wash. to cleanse. obtained in war. Wetegakil, his messengers; (out of use. Machtumbunk, dung. Menhasik, skimmed; (scum. Schajelinquall, eyebrows-, (error; properly, eyelid, A. A.) Mattelemuxin, to be despised. Lelingen, to permit; to allow. wild goose; (kaag'. Geschiechton, to wash. Machelensowagan, pride. A.) Palsowagan, sickness. Wulaptonaltin, to speak good to each other, to be reconciled Gischuteu, warm. is unIucky. afloat. Tihilleu, it is cold. Majauchsin, to be of one mind. winter. Tschukquilques, Z., a locust (insect). A.) Giskhammen, to chop. Pepachgitshiminhis, manifold in the belly of animals. Melihasu, mattery, putrid. Apachtschiechton, to display, to set something up, to Wulamallessohaluwed, he who makes one happy. (to destroy all. See Kowamo. Nhakey, myself. Mattameechen, cross roads; (where one road enters another, Skappeu, wet; (strictly, that which is wet partly, as Lonquamwagan, a dream; (lungwamen. A.) Commoot, or, Commootgeen, Z., stolen. Linhakamike, upland; (see Lenhacki.) Quallassin, to bathe, to sweat: (properly, to sweat. Wagagapoak, Z., they stand in a circle. Tangitti, small little; (tanghotit, Z., a little Ksakpatton, to make wet. Achgiwalan, to deceive somebody; (arch., A.) Gellenummen, to take along. to the wheel. Wiagasksowagan,wantonness, unruly. Papachgillintsch, the flat of the hand. Manejeu, it profits little, it contains but little. A.) Ajandamalquot, it is to be wished; it is desirable. Kittelendam, to be in earnest. Sasappis, lightning bug, fire fly. Peschgonktchenachke, ninety. Schingochwen, to be unwilling to go. Nundajelensowagan, Guka, Z., mamma, mother. fish. Wschimuin, to fly, to run off, to escape. Nagisgawachtin, to meet each other. Schind, spruce; (hemlock. Tspiwi, separately. Gischhatteu, ready. Naninga, a double plural termination denoting deceased A.) A.) One of the ceremonies among the Lenni Lenape was the Big House A.) A.) Lachauwelendam, to be concerned for something; to be troubled Miechinquawon, eyebrow. Nodhittamen, to come into danger; (to meet by accident, -linitti, a little while ago, directly, (not in use. Pangeschin, to cut a piece. Jullik, these. jocular. Wenigajek, trifle; (notin use, A.) Wulamhittamen, to believe. A.) A.) Achgunnan, to clothe somebody; (achgunha, A.) Schapoalchasu, bored through, pierced through. Langundowits'chik, Z., kindred, relatives. Nepene, we also; we too. Metakhan, to cover somebody. Nundahemewagan, want, scarcity. A.). Otchuwewagan, his coming. A.) Z.) Peschuwat, near. Ndoochtawachtin, to inquire of each other. Wulakenimgussin, to be spoken well of, to be praised. p'koweu, it is sticky, alluding to the resin. Ikali, thither; (nellakli'. Klakaptonaganall, Z, an amusing tale. to notch a tree; (wis'haque, to tap Woapelechen, it looks white. Gischachsoagan, enlightening, shining. a fire. A.) Ni, I. A.) Sedpok, early in the morning; at daybreak (properly, part A.) Dallumens, tame creature; (any domestic animal, see allums. Alalechet, the dying. of a disagreeable taste. Sipo, river. The Penn Museum estimates that there are fewer than 10 Munsee speakers alive and Aptuppeu, drowned. Getschihillalowet, traitor. through. Wtawongellowagan, loss, damnation. m'majawelen'dam, I am certain of it. Achsinhittehikan, steel trap. thread.) a woman. means to bring some one. Wuliechsin, to speak plainly, to pronounce well. Sasappeu, spotted, speckled. nisquelendam. Yucke, Z., now; gischquik, to-day; -untschi, tani? Meechgalowet, fish like a sucker; (red-finned sucker. Wuliechen, it is good, it is well done. Wulaku, evening. Machkigen, Z., the white thorn. Ha, ha! Glatten, frozen. Winkteu, done, boiled enough. Wisu, fat, fleshy. Mokdomus, lizard. Uschuwamallsin, to feel grief, to feel sorrow. A. Pindhikan, ramrod; sausage. Wonatam, to be weak, to be impotent, to faint, to be out Migitamen, to bow toward. Schiquitehasik, chips. Wimbeneman, to relieve somebody; (to sacrifice one's self Ganschalogan, to do great wonders. The Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania is fighting for governmental recognition despite pushback from other Lenape tribes raising big Wulatschimolsin, to treat friendly, to discourse in a Klamhattenamin, to be of a calm mind. Ktschiqwagan, gun drawer. Wulelendamuwi, joyful, merry. Schinginawachtowagan, enmity. A.) Mechelgik, great many; multitude. Achpoques, mouse; (achpiques, A.) yes!, (exclamation of approval) (wihk'kaat; otenkhaat, Moschiwi, clear, luminous, bare, naked; clearly, openly. WebThe peace loving Lenni-Lenape are called the grandfathers or ancient ones by many other tribes and are considered to be among the most ancient of the Northeastern Nations, spawning many of the tribes along the northeastern seaboard. Getschihillalan, to betray somebody; (out of use, A.) Auwen, who, somebody, which; -ha? Schipihilleu, stretched. Woapalanne, bald eagle. Nachgiechen, contrary, against. Mbiachgook, water snake. Machtenalittin, to fight, to fight with each other, to Psakqtuechen, close together, tight. Pallawewagan, transgression, guilt. Happenikan, pincers. Missochwen, to walk about, to travel about. A.) Nagisgauwan, to meet somebody. Wingelewemen, to do a pleasure. A.) Amendchewagan, disobedience, stubbornness. Chammap, Z., fed (he or it was fed. Meschiechen, to slip, to fall. Before colonization, they were especially concentrated in the Delaware River valley, for which the confederation was Linschgan, finger. Pepachkhamatunk, Z., a lancet (or lance). Wikathoos, an iron pot with feet. A.) A.) Lenni, Z., genuine, pure, real, original. A.). A.) Utsche, fly; (utcheuwes. present. Wunipachgihilleu, it buds, it sprouts. A.) croak, February. auwulsuak; Kihhican. Witschwochak, pine nuts; (out of use. Machtaptonen, to speak uncivilly, to talk roughly, to not a door, A.) Landawen, it runs up, it climbs up, it spins up; (not Tschitahitehen, to stand firm in mind; to persevere. A.) Schingaltowagan, enmity, hatred. Tscholens, bird; (not in use. Goschgosch, hog. Lawachtohen, to set a price. Pooxit, the month of falling leaves; October. Wendamen, to fish with hook and line. Ndoniken, to seek. A.) Gilkissin, to laugh: (achgilkissin. Gachsummen, to dry. Cheweleleney, manifold. Mikemossowagan. Mallachsche, as if, as it were, like unto. Wdee, heart Gischigin, to be born; (to ripen, to mature. Wulamoewagan, truth. Piluwi, clean. satisfy each other. Gachhachgik, wild bay. Mechamek, wild rhubarb. Juch, well! Pallilinaquot, otherwise. Wingsittam, to like to hear. Haki, earth ground. Gawuschuwitschik, gooseberries. A. ) Gundassiskuju, deeply marshy. Loamissowe, lately; (lomisu. Woaktschinni, bend it. Titpikat, cold night. Getteminakuwagan, felicity, happiness, gladness. Ulakaiialien, to make dishes: (wooden dishes, A.) Glittonepi, bridle, (lit., tied in the mouth. Temahikan, axe, hatchet. Wundchenneu, west, westerly; (out of use; the present Maschilamek, trout; (lit., "like a fish," not Schingalgussowagan, the being taken. Wiwunochwen, to go all around; to go around about. Kpatten, frozen over; frozen shut. Wiquey, box made of bark; bark trunk; (refers to birch Hokes, bark of a tree; (some particular bark not now known. Z.) Getaam, Z., the hazel nut. Wikian, thy house. At the age of fifteen, the Lenape are forced to give up their captives. Kschamamquo, grievous, troublesome. Hoos, kettle, pot. Thinaquot, Z., cool (anything that looks cold. Passikachkhen, to make boards. Memoukek, plain; (not in use; schingek, level. Klampeechen, still water. Wishaqtie. how much? brace one's self for a jump, A.) Wuliken, it grows well, it thrives well. Ehoalachgik), beloved, dear. Ahoaltowagan, love. Mikemossin, to work, to labor; (out of use. little tree. to miss one's Miechaninaquot, shameful. Patamoewagan. Gamenowinenk, on the other side of the great sea. Linaxa, like unto. Wentschi. Pallhittehemen, to strike amiss. Mechouteney, old, dilapidated town. Gegauwink, bed. Enda, where, whither. commandment. Sihunasu, Z., conquered (out of use. near me. Woatauweju, it blossoms. Nacheleney, three-fold. right hand. Wulapeju, just, upright, honorable. Ulakens, dish. Pikihilleu, torn, rent in pieces. A.) Machtapequonitto, evil spirit. Memachtschilan, to speak evil to somebody. Tschannauchsin, to be blamable, to sin, to transgress. Masktin, Z., to ease one's self. Tachanigeu, woody, full of wood. A.) form of the shell, A.) A.) to persons, but to things. A.) A.) Yanewi, Z., always. It is thus related to other languages in the area, such as Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Wampanoag, Massachusett, Narragansett, Mohegan, Pequot, Munsee, and Nanticoke. Tgauwitti, soft, mild; slowly, by little and little; also Getternageluwi, merciful. Wtellsin, to be so, to do so. Tschepsit, stranger. Avaricious, difficult to deal with. Winamandamen, to feel pain. Ahoaltuwamallsin, to feel love. Schachachkoochwen, to go straight, to follow the straight The initial syllable pa, gives the iterative or continuing Elhokquechink, at his head. from what was expected. use. Niskenolhand, miserably lazy. Ngagebinque, etc., I am blind, etc. Awe'hellea, Z., a bird (this is the generic term now in Nianque, Z., a wild cat. Gendelemuxowagan, condemnation, damnation. Nguttapachki, one hundred. Schingaltin, to hate each other; (schinginawa altin A.) Mauwi, go and tell. Machkametank, stream of a reddish color. Newentschi, therefore. Pachkschikan, knife. Ejaja, etc., where, wherever or whither I go, etc. Elemokunak, one of these days. Plipitehan, to knock somebody on the head. Wachteneu, he has the belly-ache. Gettemagelentin, to be kind to each other, to be merciful (tach'hunnan, A.) Nendawagan, torch, lamp. Achgettemagelo, merciful. A.) Macheleman, to esteem somebody, to value someone, to honor Lakenindewagan, accusation. A.) Uschuwelemuwi, miserable, painful, burthensome. Wingachpin, to like to be in some place. Tschachoihilleu, torn off, broken, slipped off; (niach-gihilleu, Taleka, crane. Cheli, much. Eli, because; (in questions) then; (in compos.) Hattees, sinew. plough. To fell less pain, to feel better. Quesquelendam, to be out of humor; (usual term now is Etachginipink, last summer. Wangundin, to salute one another; wangomen, Z., Quetajaku, old tree; (applied to any plant or tree which Tachpachaxu, little, mean, low, humble; (tachpeachxu, A.) Wawulamallessin, to be always Well. Papesu. A.) Alamachtagen, to stop fighting. Hapichque, Z., a rib (opichque, a rib; opochquan, Weschilematschil, his relation by marriage Ndappoanum, my bread. Wiquajek or Wiquek, the head of a creek or run. sakima, A.) Pangewi, a piece; (anything broken off. Pkindey, light ashes. Menantak, pine swamp. Ehasgitamank, watermelon. Loquel! Kulluppi, Z., to convert (lit., to turn. A.) Wscheton, lip; (w'schej'toti. Tilaku, cool evening. A.) WebJohn Butler was taken captive by the Lenni-Lenape Indians at age 4 and was assimilated and accepted as a full-blooded Lenape by that community. Wachtschuwikeu, hilly. Schukund, only, but then. Achtschipilissin, to act strangely, to behave wonderfully. Eksaselendam, to diminish, to de-esteem. Bochwinan, to skin an animal. Machtschimaquot. Pennauweleman, to consider about somebody. Wapaneu, easterly. Wikbi, Z., bast, the inner bark of trees. Pallhiken, to shoot amiss; (pallakhiken. Wdapandewagan, commandment. Mizin, to eat. Machelemoachgeniman, to honor and praise somebody, to Nada, yonder to thither; toward here. Wiagasksin, to be unruly; (out of use. Allowelendamoagan, great esteem, high estimation. Patahowen, to overcome, to subdue. because. Nachgihhilleu, it stops. Mesittschewi, quite, whole, entirely. Woaptioihilleu, pale. in use. war. Sakquipaan, to come in a troublesome time. A.) Lokenummen, to tear in pieces, to pull apart. Wingipendam, to hear willingly. Gischkschasgkan, scythe, sickle. Clahican, Z, a steel trap. Linxasu, melted. Wisohen. Plitey, junk of fire, firebrand. the water; (gamink. Achwangundowi, very peaceable. Ngemewi, always, constantly. Gegeyjumhet, ruler, governor. than; -ametschimi, Petawoatamen, to expect. together. A.) Linachken, to reach forth the hand. A.) Allumhammochwen, to set off by water. Schawanachen, southerly wind. Mehittachpoagan, birth. bright (wacheyek, light, Tauwatawik, an uninhabited place; (achtawawek. Meschatamen, to remember. Tschanninquanukgun. Kommothaken, to steal something out of a field. A.) Eenhen, to pay. medicine. Gomuus, Z., the neck (arch., now use ochquecanggan. Achpequot, wounded; achpequat, Z., full of holes, of the night, half of the night. Wochganissin, to become lean, to grow meager. Schiwelendam, to be sorry, to be sad, to be melancholy, it is so much, that is all;-tchen, that is all. Wtschitschanquiwi, spiritual. Patamoewigawan, house of prayer, temple, church. Linalittin, to fight; (refers to the extent of the fight. Pommauchsuwi, living. Achochwen, to have bad travelling. stream; from anne, stream, and Wulit. Nacheneyit, third. oh! Mengiechsu, a swan. Wisachgim, wild grapes. scheye.) Pommauchsowaganit, he who is the life. Pepalistank. Aman, fishing line, rope; n'dapiaman, H., I come Awendamoagan, suffering. wing. Ojotit, a little piece of meat. back and then tum again; to lie on the back isWasachtehin. some one. family. distant relatives. Natasu, fetched. Allanque, star. A.) Achgenindewagan, accusation, bad report. Wisawanik, red squirrel. Waselenikanin, to bum. A.) Achgetaktschehellau, to jump over the fence; (lit.,to Schachachki, certain, certainly true, surely. Gelieclihammen, to sow, to stitch. Attago, no, by no means. Ktemakauchsoagan, poor, miserable life. Gulukquot, lame; (with a joint, or jointed. Majewelendam, to be fixed in purpose, to be settled in those who live on the border. Nechohanne, to be alone. Wikhetschik, builders. Sokenepasu, baptized. families.'A.) Nutschihhowe, night walker, witch. Mawat, one, only one. Apaligen, to tread upon; (achpaligen. A. well. Wulalowe, black fox; (lit., beautiful tail; this may be Mehokhokus, red cedar. Anechwunaltey, bark canoe. Nisktonhen, to be noisy, to talk nasty. to go all away. Cuwe, Z, pine tree; cuweuchac, pine wood (properly Wochganiponk, hard burnt ashes. A.) Melanschpen, to take a vomit. Ngattummen, to leave behind, to bequeath; nga'ttammen, imitative of bleating, Asgaskachgook, green snake. Pejeju, it comes. chewest. Tepelook, enough of them. Wikwamhassin, to make an abode. A.) Undachlenni, hand it here. Jawi, on one side. Achgigihawan, to mock or laugh at somebody;(arch., A.) Lachauwelendamoagan, concern. Machtschiteliewa-an. Elikus, ant, pismire; (eli'ques. Wachtschuhatteu, it is full; (wa-chu-wateu. inanimate, auwultu,pl.auwultol,) (from wulissu). Ndelli, etc., that I, etc. Mis, elder sister; n'mis, kmis, my, thy, Nhakeuchsin, to hope, to trust. Kschipsit, one that has the itch. Manittowihak, steel. A.) Nawochgen, to follow. A.) Nehellatank, the Lord, (nehellalwit. Petekhamman, to write to somebody. Pakantin, to box with each other; (to strike with anything. bore; from tuppeu, spiral, circular. Palpateu, it boils over; (it overflows, from any cause; oh that! See hapichque.) Quis, son. A.) Messipook, the river drifts with ice. A.) Pomsin, to walk. A.). A.) Wingel, eatable. A.) Wtakeu, soft, tender; (pliable. Lennowinaquot, manfully. Siquonachen, spring hunt. Tschipinaxu, he seems strange, uncommonly unpleasing. Metenaxin, to be ready. Eschochwalan, to help somebody through, to carry someone Mattaptonen, to speak uncivil, to talk roughly, to scold. the, that;-eet, perhaps;-jupetschi, until now, till here;-shacki, A.) Lissin, to be so; to do so; to be so situated, to be so Chaaschtchenachke, eighty. Taiachquoan, bridge; attatajachgonewi? Nesquo, not yet. Mesaquem, ear of corn. Pethakwonn, Z, a thunder gust. Schiwamallessin, to feel grief, to feel sorrow. Likhikquiechen, so as. Atenkpatton, to quench fire. Achgiguwewagan, sport, pastime. A.) Nitsch! A.) Allemih'hillen, to pass by, to fly; (ellameh'hilan. that recurs again and again. to be concerned for somebody. A.) too much. Clampeechen, Z., still or standing water. Pachsegink, H., in the valley. Nageuchsowagan, confidence, trust. Kuwe, pine; (see Cuwe.) Nilchtin, to strike each other dead. Lattoniken, to search, to examine. Netami, first, the first. Sedpokuniwi, early in the moming. Pemachpin, to be present. Nahiwi, down the water. A.) A. Gachtingetsch, next year; (gachtinge'. friendly manner. Winginamen, to delight in, to be pleased with. Ekesa! Wulisso, good, handsome, fine, pretty. Nallahih, up the stream. Tassenahamolan, to stone somebody. Mawemin, to meet, to assemble; (mawewi, Z., Tauwachsin, to bum, to use for firewood. Wundchennewunk, westward. Tekene, woods, an uninhabited place; (tekenink, Sachsapan, Z., soup. Gluppiechton, to turn about. Chelit, a great deal. Mattelemuxin, to be despised. Wanquon, heel. Schkaa'k, a pole-cat, skunk. Machelensin, to be high minded, to be proud. Owoaton, to know; (weswaton, to become conscious. Eschiwi, through. Achgukbi, Z., an elm tree. A. ) A.) Laschinummen, A., to see at a glance or for a moment. Gissai! except. Kepe, thou also, thou too. Pennauwelendamoagan, consideration. What is thy wife's name?). Kinhican, Z., a grindstone. Schapulinsch. A.) Espan, Z., a raccoon. Amoewiwikwam, bee hive. chief. Ntiktoouni, only one night. Wulauchsowagan, good conduct, good behavior. Waselenemen, to lighten, to kindle. Genachgiton, to take care of. Wihhinachk, birch tree. Nahihillaan, to go down the water. yes (lazily). long. Lauchpoame, middle of the thigh. Lauchsohalid, he who makes me live. Keechoguni? Tschetschpi, different, unlike; asunder, apart. A.) Sehe, H., hush, be quiet. Geeschtek, hot. Najuman, to carry somebody. Sukeu, black. A.) Witonquoam, to lodge at one's house, to board with, to Wuskchum, young creature, young beast. Sipachgihhilleu, it buds, sprouts out. the mouth. Nakewi, a little while. Ganschala'muin, to cry out. Miechhaqul, moss on trees. sleep with. Papalligeen, Z., to spoil; see palliton. Wulakhelan, to take somebody in care. Patahowewagan, Z., wages, pay. A board. A.) Penipachgihhilleu, it falls off. Winamandamoagan, pain, sore. Cheinutey, saddle bag. A.) Schachachgameu, straight row. A.) Ktemaque, beaver, (amochk. Tachpachihflla, in the afternoon. A.) Schachachgageechen, straight road. Kpahi, shut the door; (kpah'hi'. Kiminachsin, to murder secretly. H.) Wschappan, thin. Menatehewagan, envy. WebLenni-Lenape American English pronunciation. Machtakenimgussin, to be ill spoken of. Kschatev, strong tobacco. Wulaquik, evening. Magami. Wochpahellaii, to awake, to come to one's senses. Kschatteechen, beaten road, path. Andhanni, bullfrog. Palliuntschi, from somewhere else. Pihmoakan, sweat house. Schwonnachquinenk, among white people. A.) Witen, to go with. Manitto, maker, Creator, God; (properly, spirit, not maker. Wiquenachk, the end of the fence. Schabuwihiheu, Z., diarrhea (lit., running through, Wisawek, yellow; also, sulphur, etc. uchschimo, he flees; schimoagan, flight. Gettemagelowaganit, lie who is merciful. Sesegauwihan, to whip somebody, to scourge some one. Sleepy, drowsy (arch., A.) Kopachkisse, thick. Memhallamund, merchant, trader. Ahoaltin, to love one another. A vale or valley; dim, pachsajetit, Bihilewen, to be hoarse. Mochimsunga, Z., forefathers. Melanschpewagan, vomiting. Aputschiechton, to turn the wrong side out. Schachachkaptonagan, upright saying. Machkalett, rusty. A.) Etschigapawin, to step between, to stand between. know him. The Lenape nation consisted of three main tribes, the Unami (Turtle tribe), the Wunalachtico (Turkey tribe), and the Minsi (Wolf tribe.) grass, or fresh young grass. Liwiechen, to rest. Machelendam, to esteem, to value, to honor, to esteem to lend a hand. Mamintschindewagan, praise, raise, to give gIory. Achgiwalittin, to deceive, to cheat. Pimingus, red squirrel. Machtatschahen, to use somebody ill, to treat someone Pachihillan, to split, to crack. A.) Ehelekhigetonk, ink. house.) Nohulentschik, those who give suck; (error; it means the Ninutachpin, to be from the beginning. (Ploeu, turkey of either Pipinamoagan, an election (choosing of any kind. A.). Metelensit, humble being, low-minded person; (one who Gegekhuntschik, the elect, the chosen. Mesissachowak, large stinging flies. Machelemoachgenimgussowagan, the receiving of honor and Nihillasohen, to make free, to deliver. Walheu, he is digging a hole. Wawikanin, to have backache; (wawikaninen. Schachachgeu, straight; right, exact, correct. Gegepchoat, the deaf; a deaf person. Lippoe, experienced; wise. Taktani, I don't know, I don't know where; somewhere perhaps; Z . his hinder part being Whitish. Wochaitschik, above, on the top, up there. Mattaptonaltin, to speak bad to one another; to scold each other, to abuse each other by words. Metachan, firewood. Achtschinkhewagan, disobedience; (achtscheyinkgeusink, another. Pundhikan, steelyards. Ichauwelendam, to prefer; (tachauwelendam, to desire Salamoagan, weeping, howling; (collective form, a number Amentschinsin, to praise, to give honor. Schachachgapewit, an upright person. mind. Guwin, to sleep. Wulipommissin, good walking. Ptukquminschi, black walnut. to each other. Gakpitschehellat, Z. a madman, a fool(a fool. Majauchsu, one person, a certain one; (one alone. Gachsasu, dried. Luchund, he is said to have said. splinters; the proper form wuniechenummen. Schajawonge, hill-side; (should have an, initial w'. A.) Wiktschi, bottom of a keg, breech of a gun. to make. Gunagen, to stay out long. Linquechin, to look, to behold. Schewek, weak, tired. Tschitanatten, hard frozen. Kih! Z., a conspiracy. Nagelawendewagan, comfort. A.) Muchomes, grandfather. Wipochk, bush; arub; (a bushy place, a thicket. Putawen, to blow; (puta'tamen, to blow as in starting Tenktitit, little. Wikul, fat in an animal's belly, Melandam, to vomit. Tschilchwehamen, Z., to castrate. Pommipeso, lath. Tauwunnasin, to be buried. Gegochbisik, Z., a belt, a girdle, (gochbisink. Memakochkus, red-headed woodpecker. Lenapeuhoxen, Indian shoes. Machoachk, Z., a pumpkin. Pachkamen, to let blood. Wannessin, Z., to forget; in'wansi, I forgot Pililinaquot. Wundaman, to show to somebody: to declare unto someone. Achschiechey, Z., a nest. A.) A.) A.) Amangi, big, great, large. A.) Gawi, Z. Pindawan, to clothe somebody, to dress some one. Lawat, long ago; (lawata. Ganschapuchk, big rock; (boulder. Papallachwilsummen, to miss one's luck. ) Popachgandamen. A.) Penquon, dry; (alludes to fabrics, clothes, skins, etc. Pachtschuppeu, soft, mild; (doubtful; at present this Mechmauwikenk, Z., camp. Wachtschuwi, hilly. Winamallsachtin, to be a common sickness. Pimiechen, slanting. Nutamemensemin, to have children. Mallsannuk, arrow, flint. Amandamuwi, sensitive. Elgixin, to be worthy. Pengelaku, dusk; (from pange, piece. Schindikeu, spruce forest; (hemlock woods. here. Huscateek, very much, very much so. with hese terminations, not ika. This is the word now in use in place of the older word A.) (doubtful. Wikasch, the nail on hand or foot; fingers; claws; nikasch, A.) a yellow bark used in dying. Pachgelendan, Z. A.) Tschipey, spirit, ghost; (also applied to the dead body. Chwelhammook, great many deer tracks.