(2013). 110 (25), E2308E2316. TRPA1 distributes on C-fibers throughout the respiratory system (De Logu et al., 2016). SARS-CoV-2 invasion leads to alveolar and vascular epithelial cells damage impelling the formation of minimal thrombus, increasing pulmonary venous pressure and vascular permeability and leading to massive loss of tissue fluid. We are grateful to all of the colleagues who have given critical comments on this work. (2020). COVID-DSNet: A novel deep convolutional neural network for detection of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) cases from CT and Chest X-Ray images. Large Conductance Ca2+-Activated K+ Channels Sense Acute Changes in Oxygen Tension in Alveolar Epithelial Cells. Rev. The structure of coronavirus (Figure 1 A vision of coronavirus with the minimal set of structural proteins.) J. Clin. (2020). Purpose To investigate pulmonary vascular abnormalities at CT pulmonary angiography (CT-PE) in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. (2021). Physiol. The -Agonist Lung Injury Trial (Balti). "It is the macroscopic image of an old myocardial infarction and pulmonary edema under further laboratory investigation," medical examiner Nikos Kalogrias reportedly said on Wednesday. Pathol. It has been revealed that COVID-19 patients treated with Lian-Hua-Qing-Wen capsules for 14days resulted in a considerably higher recovery rate of 91.5%, a dramatically shorter median time to symptom recovery of 7days than the control group, which applied conventional treatment (Hu et al., 2021). Pharmacol. Ursodeoxycholic Acid Stimulates Alveolar Fluid Clearance in LPSinduced Pulmonary Edema via ALX/cAMP/PI3K Pathway. Generalized Edema and Pseudothrombocytopenia After ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report Reports of side effects of vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are increasing worldwide. Symptoms that are common to all of these conditions include cough and shortness of breath. In addition, potassium channels can act as oxygen sensors in alveolar epithelium and thus adjust lung function to environmental changes in O2 levels (Bartoszewski et al., 2017). JACC: Basic Translational Sci. Nonetheless, little attention has been paid to CD44 in COVID-19 treatment. Endocrinology in the Time of COVID-19: Management of Diabetes Insipidus and Hyponatraemia. Therefore, the infection along with the rapid replication of SARS-CoV-2 causes a large amount of body fluid permeating through pulmonary alveoli, leading to ADRS. (2008). Amiloride, a prototypic inhibitor of ENaC, might also have a potential in treating COVID-19 patients. Besides those direct causes of COVID-19 pulmonary edema, there are other factors that can be described as abnormal humoral metabolism which can influence the AFC and PFC, resulting the manifestation of pulmonary edema (Figure 3 Cause of COVID-19 pulmonary edema). FIGURE 5. Fedratinib, an FDA approved JAK2 inhibitor, may be used to reduce the mortality associated with hyperinflammation by suppressing the production of several Th17 cytokines (i.e., IL1b and TNF-alpha, IL21, IL22, IL17) and the formation of pulmonary edema in combination with anti-viral drugs (Yang et al., 2020e). (1999). Emodin Blocks the SARS Coronavirus Spike Protein and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Interaction. Semin. (2020). Pharmacol. A vision of coronavirus with the minimal set of structural proteins. (1999). Acta (Bba) - Gen. It is worth mentioning that, except alveoli, which is widely known as the target tissue, cardiomyocyte can be infected as well. Physiol. SARS-CoV-2 Infects Human Engineered Heart Tissues and Models COVID-19 Myocarditis. Infection and replication process of SARS-CoV-2. TRPV4: Physiological Role and Therapeutic Potential in Respiratory Diseases. 96 (5), 25142519. 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Accessibility The most commonly reported symptoms of post- COVID-19 syndrome include: Fatigue Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort Fever Lung (respiratory) symptoms, including difficulty breathing or shortness of breath and cough Other possible symptoms include: Specific Pharmacology of Calcium in Myocardium, Cardiac Pacemakers, and Vascular Smooth Muscle. doi:10.1038/labinvest.2016.150, Zhang, P. h., Han, J., Cao, F., Liu, Y. j., Tian, C., Wu, C. h., et al. Currently, no specific drug has been developed to against COVID-19, although some existing drugs have been repurposed and approved for treating hospitalized patients (Ferner and Aronson, 2020; Schlagenhauf et al., 2020). Yes. Mechanism of inhibiting ENaC inducing pulmonary edema. SODIUM CHANNELS IN ALVEOLAR EPITHELIAL CELLS: Molecular Characterization, Biophysical Properties, and Physiological Significance. J. Physiol. J. Physiology-Lung Cell Mol. 318 (4), L723L741. 46 (2), 208214. The site is secure. 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COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has a global reach. There are also several natural compounds which were previously shown to have positive effects on the lung edema-associated targets described in this paper (Zhou et al., 2006; Ho et al., 2007; Ji et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2015; Qu, 2019; Fan et al., 2020; Lung et al., 2020). Immune responses to COVID-19 vaccinations may trigger acute exacerbations in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis among susceptible patients, according to data published in the American Journal of.