[42] Get an answer. [9] The analysis demonstrated that the presence of an enhanced front seat belt reminder system increased front outboard passenger seat belt use by about 3 to 4 percentage points more than in vehicles with only a driver seat belt warning system meeting the minimum requirements in S7.3.[96]. WebBased on an analysis of seat belt wearing rates among crash involved and non-crash involved drivers in Norway it is estimated that unbelted drivers have 8.3 times the fatal crash risk and 5.2 times the serious injury crash risk of belted drivers. The agency's 2015 Survey of Principal Drivers of Vehicles with a Rear Seat Belt Reminder System found that a change of status warning is effective in getting passengers to refasten their seat belt. FALSE In addition, as discussed above, warning systems equipped with occupant detection are more amenable to audible warnings and enhanced warning features. Paul Schroeder & Melanie Wilbur, Survey of Principal Drivers of Vehicles with a Rear Seat Belt Reminder System. 208 does not require this. [63] 58. 81. migraine headaches It would not affect the minimum required duration for the audible signal (4 seconds) and would not require manufacturers to make any changes to their existing seat belt warnings that comply with the existing requirements of FMVSS No. 0000184582 00000 n 7. Safety Belt and Helmet Use in 2002Overall Results. NHTSA especially seeks any data related to these issues. 49. New All of the above so we are aware there are a number of ways in which a rear seat belt warning system might be intentionally defeated, as well as potential countermeasures. [97] on 70. and services, go to 208 requires the driver's seat belt warning to be audio-visual. For example, NHTSA could specify use of the 6-year-old test dummy. Unbelted occupants are overrepresented in fatal crashes. Please note that even after the comment closing date, we will continue to file relevant information in the docket as it becomes available. Foldable or stowable seats in the second row are not as prominent in minivans. Impressing passengers. Webbelted and unbelted occupants. ______ of traffic fatalities occur within 25 miles of home and below 40 mph. Motor vehicle safety standard means a minimum performance standard for motor vehicles or motor vehicle equipment. NHTSA has implemented a variety of non-regulatory approaches to increase seat belt use, such as the annual Click It or Ticket mobilization, which includes a national advertising campaign backed up by high-visibility local enforcement of state seat belt laws. The behavioral strategies were upgrading existing state seat belt laws; high-visibility enforcement campaigns; a national communications plan; employer policies and regulation; and insurance industry collaboration. 99. %%EOF DOT HS 812 369. Research has found that seat belts greatly reduce the risk of fatal and non-fatal injuries, compared to the risk faced by unrestrained occupants. 0000003170 00000 n 0000042679 00000 n 71. 10. 16, Revision 9. DOT HS 811 097. About 13 percent of model year (MY) 2019 vehicles sold in the United States came equipped with a rear seat belt warning system. TRUE B.) 2015. For example, to what extent does the sound of the latch plate clicking into the buckle when a belt is fastened currently serve as an indication of seat belt use? 208 to require seat belt warnings for any of the passenger seating positions. 0000001958 00000 n Considering the history in this area as described above, the agency is particularly concerned with striking the right balance. 0000016204 00000 n 7. We seek comment on the technological and economic challenges that might be posed by different types of warning systems, including the type of equipment and re-design they might necessitate. NHTSA Research on Effectiveness and Acceptance of Seat Belt Warnings, VI. 30111,[43] Donna Glassbrenner & Marc Starnes. 98. 208. so we also seek comment on whether we should require that this information be displayed in the vehicle instead of (or in addition to) the owner's manual. 208, S29.1(e), and correspond to the height and weight requirements for a child who is used as an alternative for the 6-year-old child test dummy for compliance testing of advanced air bag systems utilizing static suppression. See infra, Part V. 46. h. Cr2S3\mathrm{Cr}_2 \mathrm{~S}_3Cr2S3. startxref Obstruction of vehicle windows. In addition, rear seats may be less well-defined than most front seats, which could make it more challenging for a sensor to define seat occupancy accurately. 0000003404 00000 n 4092 81 [53] Euro NCAP and Start Printed Page 51086the revised ECE regulations do not have such specifications. Acceptability and Potential Effectiveness of Enhanced Seat Belt Reminder System Features. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. DOT 2009 Belt Warning Study, p. 1. Road rage is the term used to refer to physical assaults that result from a traffic dispute. For any alternative warning systems/signals that are identified, NHTSA seeks information on the issues we identify below. 208. NHTSA also seeks comment on whether and to what extent any proposed requirements might (or should) be based upon or differ from other regulatory requirements (such as ECE requirements) or consumer information programs (such as Euro NCAP). WebThe following vehicles can use the Express Lanes. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Seat belts protect occupants in various ways. 208 by removing the 8-second limitation would eliminate the need to differentiate between signals and give vehicle manufacturers greater flexibility in designing their seat belt warning systems. Some research may suggest that having the warning visible to the unbelted occupant may increase effectiveness. NHTSA seeks comment on whether a proposed rear seat belt warning system would meet the requirements and considerations of 49 U.S.C. a) a good level of attention Issues on Which NHTSA Seeks Information From the Public, A. rendition of the daily Federal Register on FederalRegister.gov does not 38. 30101 et seq. If the docket receives a comment too late for us to consider in developing a final rule (assuming that one is issued), we will consider that comment as an informal suggestion for future rulemaking action. 59. DOT HS 811 206. 16, Revision 9; European New Car Assessment Programme Assessment ProtocolSafety Assist, 15. [Found in the docket for this ANPRM.]. Although NHTSA did not previously have the authority to require, or specify as a compliance option, a seat belt warning with an audible signal lasting more than 8 seconds, the agency facilitated the voluntary adoption of enhanced warnings through a series of legal interpretations that determined that the Safety Act did not prohibit manufacturers from using enhanced warning systems (e.g., systems with audible warnings that lasted more than 8 seconds) as long as the manufacturer differentiated the voluntarily-provided signal from the required signal (for example, by a clearly distinguishable lapse in time between the two signals). In 2005, Congress passed legislationthe Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)[37] Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Public Law 112-141, 31503 (2012). It directs the Secretary to either issue a final rule, or, if the Secretary determines that such an amendment does not meet the requirements and considerations of 49 U.S.C. It directs the Secretary to either issue a final rule, or, if the Secretary determines that such an amendment does not meet the requirements and considerations of 49 U.S.C. It directs the Secretary to either issue a final rule, or, if the Secretary determines that such an amendment does not meet the requirements and considerations of 49 U.S.C. For front seat belts, the assessment protocol requires both a visual and an audible warning signal. Under these regulations, a short-term deactivation may only be effectuated by specific controls that are not integrated in the safety-belt buckle and only when the vehicle is stationary. MAP-21 requires the Secretary to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to amend FMVSS No. Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice for better understanding how a document is structured but For example, among drivers of vehicles with a rear seat belt warning, approximately 80 percent were satisfied with the system and 65 percent reported that the rear seat belt warning made it easier to encourage rear seat passengers to buckle up. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, p. 47. 73. (The results of this study, which involved a consumer phone survey and was completed in 2015, are discussed later in this document.). a) convicted of DUI What type of information should the warning convey? For the front seats the seat belt reminder system is required to have a 2-level approach. To ensure that your comments are correctly filed in the Docket, please include the Docket Number found in the heading of this document in your comments. 26. Upon receiving your comments, Docket Management will return the postcard by mail. Only 66 percent of people who said they always wore seat belts while driving also said they always wore them as rear seat passengers. Should NHTSA retain these criteria to determine if a rear seated occupant is belted, and if not, what should the criteria be, and why? If you estimate potential costs or burdens, explain how you arrived at your estimate in sufficient detail to allow for it to be reproduced. Nearly two-thirds rated the reminders acceptable, and approximately 80 percent thought that they would be effective.[100]. It recommended that rear seat belt warning systems be developed and that NHTSA undertake a broad, multi-year program of research on the effectiveness and acceptability of different seat belt warning systems to establish a basis for future regulation. In 2015 the agency completed an additional report on the effectiveness and consumer acceptance of rear seat belt warnings, based on a consumer survey. 94. In it, we seek comment on a variety of issues related to a requirement for a rear seat belt warning system, including potential requirements for such systems, the vehicles to which they should apply, their effectiveness, the likely consumer acceptance, and the associated costs and benefits. 0000009731 00000 n 208 for the driver's seat belt warning. 0000012756 00000 n It is not an official legal edition of the Federal [12] ECE Regulation No. NHTSA seeks comment on this issue, particularly on whether such electrical connection requirements should be proposed, and if so what they should be, and what types of seats they should be required for. See 76 FR 53102 (Aug. 25, 2011) (denial of a petition for rulemaking to mandate the installation of three-point seat belts for all seating positions on all school buses). First, what type of occupants should the criteria be based on; e.g., should they be based on a mid-size male, small-size female, or a child? NHTSA, therefore, seeks comment on the potential benefits and costs of the different types of rear seat belt warning system discussed in this notice, including those that provide a warning similar to the kinds of seat belt warnings that are provided in current-production vehicles in the United States or elsewhere in the world, as well as other potentially novel approaches. 208 minimum requirements. 22. Under the Florida Statutes, a point system was established to keep track of inappropriate driving behavior and set cumulative point totals that will result in a licensing action. WebIn 2018, 803 unbelted rear seat passenger vehicle occupants age eight and older died in traffic crashes in the United States. You may read the comments received by the docket at the address given above under ADDRESSES. 16, Revision 9 to Your comments must not be more than 15 pages long. 0000047766 00000 n ECE Regulation No. WebSingle-vehicle crashes represent the largest percentage of both unbelted KA and KABCO crashes; however, single-vehicle is over-represented in unbelted KA crashes (51.0 on NARA's archives.gov. The results of NHTSA's research are discussed in more detail in Section VI.A and VI.C-D. We also seek comment on whether any vehicles within the broad applicability criteria should be exempt. glass of wine and a 12 oz. Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Public Law 112-141 (2012). documents in the last year, 669 NHTSA also seeks comment on proposing multiple compliance options for the warning system requirements. That is, women, elderly drivers, speeding, seat belt non-use, and recent model year vehicles are associated with an increased risk of fatality. The visual signal must be at least 60 seconds long. xref A long-term deactivation may only be effectuated by a sequence of operations that are detailed only in the manufacturer's technical manual or which require tools that are not provided with the vehicle. 04/28/2023, 244 Operation of vehicle without approved material in windows. 0000005753 00000 n WebOption 1 - Combination of Perpendicular and Oblique Rigid Barrier Tests: The first option is the unbelted rigid barrier test of impact speed 0 to 48 kmph and impact angle 0 to 30o. Paul Schroeder & Melanie Wilbur. Survey of Principal Drivers of Vehicles with a Rear Seat Belt Reminder System. This includes, among other things, a visual warning indicating any rear seating position in which a seat belt is unfastened. NHTSA's research suggests that at least some unbelted rear seat occupants might be amenable to wearing a seat belt. This repetition of headings to form internal navigation links For example, NCAP evaluates the ability of an automatic emergency braking system to detect the presence of a vehicle and initiate braking without driver interaction in several different scenarios (e.g., lead vehicle slowing, lead vehicle stopped). 23. A.) If you hit an unoccupied vehicle, you want to handle the situation as if there was a driver present. 0000008989 00000 n 30111. In this Issue, Documents documents in the last year, 29 Unbelted occupants are overrepresented in fatal crashes. For rear seat occupants, seat belts reduce the risk of fatality by 55 percent (for passenger cars) and 74 percent (for light trucks and vans). [ 1] Only official editions of the For example, it may be technically challenging for an occupant detection system to recognize a large occupant spanning multiple seating positions as a single occupant rather than two occupants. European New Car Assessment Programme Assessment ProtocolSafety Assist, Version 8.0.2, November 2017. What are some of the visual clues a defensive driver can use to spot an impaired driver? Rear seats are used in ways that complicate occupant detection. At what Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) are you presumed impaired in Florida? MAP-21 instructs NHTSA to initiate a rulemaking proceeding for a rear seat belt warning system and to issue a final rule if it would meet the requirements in section 30111 of the Safety Act. A seat belt warning can function either by alerting the driver that a rear seat belt is unbuckled, leaving it to the driver to request the rear passenger to buckle up; it can warn the rear passenger(s) directly that their belt is unbuckled; or it can warn both the driver and rear passenger(s). In response to the 2005 SAFETEA-LU mandate, NHTSA undertook a multi-phase research study of seat belt warnings. NHTSA also seeks comment on the results of the 2015 survey, including whether and to what extent, selection bias might influence the results. On June 29, 2010, the agency published a Request for Comments (RFC) on the petition. 208, S7.3; this amendment would reflect MAP-21's repeal of the statutory limitation that was the basis for this provision. Euro NCAP does not specify that occupant detection for rear seats is needed in order to obtain bonus points. A problem with false reminders is that they can lead occupants to disregard or attempt to circumvent the system, defeating the purpose of such systems. [45] 3. For example, approximately 80 percent of drivers of vehicles with a rear seat belt warning were satisfied with the system and 65 percent of drivers of vehicles equipped with rear seat belt reminders reported that the rear seat belt reminder made it easier to encourage rear seat passengers to buckle up.[4]. The guidelines could identify best practices for manufacturers who wish to equip vehicles with a rear seat belt warning system. WebAir Bags Lives Saved Occupant Protection Vehicles can be equipped with both front and side air bags (SABs). developer tools pages. Boyle & Lampkin, supra, p. iv. Active protection refers to features, such as manual seat belts, that require action by the occupant, while passive protection, sometimes called automatic protection, refers to safety features that do not require any action by the occupant other than sitting in a designated seating position. 0000023448 00000 n 0000045181 00000 n Should it be linked to the vehicle's speed and/or transmission position (e.g., forward or reverse, or other criteria), and if so, what should the criteria be, and why? NHTSA-2010-0061). Occupant restraint use in 2017: Results from the NOPUS controlled intersection study (Report No. NHTSA seeks comment on the relative merits of such systems. See Docket Nos. This information is not part of the official Federal Register document. 0000007972 00000 n DOT HS 812 594). 0000009615 00000 n 54, No. For example, should NTHSA propose requirements for the color of the telltale, required text, pictorial vs. alphanumeric, or whether it flashes? The ECE regulations provide that the rear seat belt warning requirements will not apply to removable rear seats or to seats in a row in which there is a suspension seat until September 2022. July 2003. 9. Minimum duration. beer are ______. Bedard, Guyatt, Stones, and Hirdes [ 5] reported that the risk of death in traffic accident is conditioned on drivers characteristics and vehicle model. 0000028510 00000 n We seek comment on these concerns, as well as other concerns. Should the system be required to register small children that would presumably be placed in a child restraint system? 0000000016 00000 n The new ECE regulation specifies a first level 30 second visual warning and second level 30 second audiovisual warning for the front seats and a 60 second visual signal for the rear seats. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, pp. 80.4%). Impact and crash calculations are conducted at Porsche Seatbelt anchorage any 0 - 50 using the LS-Dyna 3D Finite Element Program. To facilitate an effective warning that advances safety and is appropriate for diverse vehicle types and uses, NHTSA seeks comment on alternative cost-effective solutions that would alert the driver when a rear seat passenger buckles and/or unbuckles.