(11) Ur:To the Southeast of Warka and Senqara lies the site of the ancient UR OF THE CHALDEES (which see) now Mugheir. Unwilling to regard his former efforts as fruitless, the Assyrian king decided to finally subdue the land, and to this end invaded it, the pretext being that the Elamites refused to deliver up the image of the goddess Nana, which had been carried off from Erech 1,635 years before, in the time of Kudur-Nahhunte (see (4) above). Literature Referring to Erech:Many tablets have been found on the site, and give promise of interesting discoveries still to come. ( Genesis 11:3) Among the cities were Babel (Babylon), Erech or Orech (Orchoe), Calneh or Calno (probably . The northern part of ancient Babylonia was called Akkad. New International Version (NIV). Jeremiah 49:36 On Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of the sky, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation where the outcasts of Elam shall not come. Before this demand could reach Indabigas, however, his people had revolted against him and put him to death, and Umman-aldasu, son of Attametu, sat on the throne, after defeating Indabigas on the banks of the Huthut. [1], Sayce (1895) identified Shinar as cognate with the following names: Sangara/Sangar mentioned in the context of the Asiatic conquests of Thutmose III (15th century BCE); Sanhar/Sankhar of the Amarna letters (14th century BCE); the Greeks' Singara; and modern Sinjar, in Upper Mesopotamia, near the Khabur River. ANET 1950), 27-59, 159. Tammaritu, nephew of Umman-igas, after the defeat of the Elamite forces in Chaldea, revolted against him, and having defeated him, cut off his head, and took the crown. Its principal peak is in the Kebir-Kuh (2,500 meters = 8,200 ft.)-a difficult range of surprising regularity. Notwithstanding this, however, Urtaku invaded Babylonia as ally of certain Chaldean tribes. The strange thing, however, is, that the name of this last does not occur in any recognizable form, unless it be the Kudurlahgumal of certain half-legendary inscriptions (see CHEDORLAOMER). Sumerian and Other Equivalents4. The Languages of Elam:The dialects of Susa, the second Achemenian VSS, and of Apirti, differ but slightly from each other. The Bible records in Genesis 11 that all mankind came to the Land of Shinar and make a name for themselves under the leadership of Nimrod, so they built a tower at Babel, a tower that would reach to heaven. Its early queen, Azag-Bau, is said to have been the wife of a wine-merchant and to have reigned 100 years. It is true that from the traditional site of Pisgah the south end of the Dead Sea could not be seen. There was apparently no ill-will between the two nations, however, for the viceroy of Susa is said to have married a daughter of Ibi-Sin. The alterations in the waterways, owing to changes in the irrigation-channels, must then, as now, have hindered communication. In Genesis 10:10 it is the district wherein lay Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, cities which were the "beginning" of Nimrod's kingdom. Some have sought identification with Gilgamesh, the flood hero of Babylonia (Skinner, Driver, Delitzsch); others with a later Kassite king (Haupt, Hilprecht), which is quite unlikely; but the most admissible correspondence is with Marduk, chief god of Babylon, probably its historic founder, just as Asshur, the god of Assyria, appears in verse 11 as the founder of the Assyrian empire (Wellhausen, Price, Sayce). Mountain Ranges:The Pusht-e-Kuh mountains are a series of very high parallel ranges described as "a veritable wall" between Mesopotamia and the elevated depression of the Kerkha. Majority Standard Bible His kingdom began in Babylon, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Harosheth-hagoiim ( Judg 4:2, 13) may be a specific locality . The mention of the kings of Elam in Jeremiah 25:25, however, suggests that the old states of the country had practically resumed their independence; though 49:35-39 prophesies the dismemberment of the country, and the destruction of its king and princes. It was renowned for its temple to the moon, and for the kings known as the dynasty of Ur: Sur-Engur, Dungi, Bur-Sin, Gimil-Sin, and Ibi-Sin. One of the earliest rulers of Adab was seemingly called Lugal-dalu, of whom a fine statue, discovered by the American explorers, exists. Like others referred to in the legends which Berosus refers to, he was half-man and half-fish. The longest historiographic text is the Curse of Agade which city was seen to have been destroyed by the Guti as punishment for its evil by the gods using international military forces. Apirti and the "Bandit Nations" 11. Elamite Religion 14. Jesus Keeps Feast of Tabernacles. Hebrew inar is equivalent to the Egyptian Sngr and Hittite anar(a), all referring to southern Mesopotamia. Isaiah 11:11 It will happen in that day that the Lord will set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant that is left of his people from Assyria, from Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea. North of Sudan is Egypt; this is where Mizraim dwelled. The valleys on the Southwest slope belong properly to Babylonia, and could be invaded on that side with ease, but Northeast of the Kebir-Kuh the country is well protected not only against Mesopotamia, on the West, but also against Persia on the East. TU). It is notable in Joshua 13:15-21, where the cities given to Reuben are enumerated, that, though the slopes of Pisgah are mentioned, Zoar is not mentioned.In Genesis 14, where the battle between Amraphel and his allies with Sodom and the other cities of the plain is described, the south end of the Dead Sea comes in logical order in the progress of their campaign, and special mention is made of the slime or bitumen pits which occurred in the valley, and evidently played an important part in the outcome of the battle.At the south end of the Dead Sea there is an extensive circle or plain which is better supplied with water for irrigation than is the region about Jericho, and which, on the supposition of slight geological changes, may have been extremely fertile in ancient times; while there are many indications of such fertility in the ruins that have been described by travelers about the mouth of the Kerak and other localities nearby. However, since their earliest settlements were in the S others assume that they came from the E by sea, which may explain why, like the Semites who were also in the same area, they were not reinvigorated by periodic fresh immigration. But the heart of ancient Mesopotamia was in the northwest where the Euphrates made a huge bend at the northern portion of the Tigris as shown in the map above. Urged by him, Umman-igas forgot the benefits which he had received at the hands of Assur-bani-apli, and sent an army into Babylonia under the command of Undasi, son of Te-umman, telling him to avenge upon Assyria the killing of his father. The Chinese affinities seem less close, but the following may be quoted: a(y)a "father," Chinese ye (Amoy ia); ge, "night," Chinese ye; gu, "to speak," Chinese yu; shu, "hand," Chinese sheu; kin, "business," Chinese kung, "work"; etc. Go up, Elam; attack! Ur-Nammus code of laws is the oldest to have yet survived in a land which was renowned for its tradition and continuity of ideas. Shinar is further mentioned in Joshua 7:21; Isaiah 11:11; Daniel 1:2; and Zechariah 5:11, as a general synonym for Babylonia. (12) Assyrian Friendship and Elamite Ingratitude.Friendship with Assyria was a complete reversal of Elamite policy, and to all appearance peace, though probably unpopular, persisted between the two countries for several years. Tammaritu therefore marched at the head of an army into Babylonia, but in his absence Indabigas, one of his servants, headed a revolt against him, and proclaimed himself king in Susa. They found a plain in the land of Shinar. The Principal Cities:The two principal cities were Susa or Shushan, called Susun in the native texts, and regarded as the old capital, situated on the Ulai (Karkha); and Anzan (Ashshan, Anshan), more to the Southwest. This, which belongs to the southern region, is very inaccessible on account of the watercourses and marshes. V "|"vZgpn8bQ+d6bE6#kk8;,g*NMs%Uni() 3i X4DB7pV`CwR*"YLv&1YE*fUW1 H@U@M_ec!ai2(0u5d=P!wC9hHJI?!Mh`5YP'>;vsE$(3 @\[_krh $j;rLeD#a@E$FaE 4nlxgf:> )fkC$}L8!z{olu|Uop\[=@3Ie@F@J+]A^\0+};7; 8"{dv4CQ)!}k}Bd/ l/IF DA'> Ar.`cN#NSOIhI)7v~_B)E8[xl)R-w d`g?(6nmG[{'AFhUMi[oArChoy3c r1}6$V@gwc|3(uIF%g0L]w5qbkVha,^Zw6p) J9n^jf5g[*jw?R#u8sntz @]$$MCgb{BK#i5~ pRi x>X*tJ2sB\-[n22?0PRT {rl`D,MZEQAJg@]5wBtZE (5) Adab:Adab, now called Bismaya, the city of Mah, the goddess of reproduction. [4], The name inar occurs eight times in the Hebrew Bible, in which it refers to Babylonia. The Book of Jubilees 9:3 allots Shinar (or, in the Ethiopic text, Sadna Sena`or) to Ashur, son of Shem. Sculpture in Shinar12. Bibliography T. Jacobsen, The Sumerian King-List (1939); Primitive Democracy in ancient Mesopotamia, JNES II (1943), 159-172; H. H. Frankfort, The Birth of Civilisation in the Ancient Near East (1951); S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Historiography, IEJ 3 (1953), 217-232; From the Tablets of Sumer (-History Begins at Sumer) (1956); I. Gordon, Sumerian Proverbs (1959); A. Falkenstein, Das Sumerische (1959); A. Parrot, Sumer (1960); S. N. Kramer, Sumerian Mythology (1961); Sumerian Literature, a general survey in The Bible and the Ancient Near East (1961), 249-259; C. J. Gadd, The Cities of Babylonia, CAH I/2 (1971), 93-144; S. N. Kramer, The Sumerians, Their History, Culture and Character (1963). Defections from his army now so weakened the forces of Te-umman that he endeavored to treat with Assur-bani-apli, who naturally refused to listen to terms, and ordered his troops to attack. The northern tract was called Akkad, after the name of its capital city (see ACCAD). The whole of Sumer was henceforth in the hands of Sem. The History of Rome - Brief Overview Of Roman History from Her Dawn to the First Punic War. Elam apparently regained its independence, however, during the time of Uruwus king of Kis, who invaded the country, and brought back considerable spoil. During the reign of the little-known Kharacenian king, Aspasine, they made incursions into Babylonia, one of the opponents of this king's generals being Pittit, "the enemy, the Elamite"-a phrase of old standing, apparently. Genesis 14:2 that they made war with Bera, king of Sodom, and with Birsha, king of Gomorrah, Shinab, king of Admah, and Shemeber, king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (the same is Zoar). He died prematurely (by his own hand) the same year, and was succeeded by his brother Te-umman (Tepti-Humban). Senar denoted the land around Baghdad. dynasty at Babylon took control and for its inhabitants. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at privacy@biblegateway.com. His achitectural activities extended beyond Ur, which he virtually rebuilt, to Uruk, Eridu, and Nippur. Our collection of maps are simple and they are free. Save 15% for life on BibleGateway+ with code SPRINGSTUDY15. It is this collection of spoils which has contributed to make the success of the French excavations at Susa what it is. Genesis 14:10 Now the valley of Siddim was full of tar pits; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, and they fell there, and those who remained fled to the hills. sid'-im, (`emeq ha-siddim; Septuagint he pharangx (or koilas) he haluke): The place mentioned in Genesis 14:3-8 as being the scene of encounter between Chedorlaomer and his allies with the kings of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim and Zoar. New Testament Overview - General survey of the New Testament. The Sumerians Probably in Shinar before the Semites9. In Genesis 14:1,9, King Amraphel rules Shinar. Next year (689 B.C.) ELLASAR. The Elamite line in Larsa was continued after the death of Eri-Aku by Rim-Sin, his brother, who succeeded him. The wind then turns South and Southwest, bringing with it a heat rising sometimes to 140 degree F., destroying all the verdure of the country. Sumer, which is the name for the area of ancient Iraq S of Baghdad in the eme.-ku dialect (written ki.en.gi[r] ideographically or keir in fine Sumer. In 1819 an area of 2,000 square miles about the delta of the Indus sank beneath the level of the sea, so that the tops of the houses were barely seen above the water. Labs The beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. [http://biblegateway/wiki/Ziggurat, Ziggurrat ZIGGURRAT]. This city was apparently of considerable importance, and the traditional rival of Lagas. Geographical Position and Names 2. Another and possibly later viceroy seems to have married Mekubi, daughter of Billama, viceroy of Asnunnak, who, as Elamite princess, erected buildings at Susa. Isaiah 21:2 A grievous vision is declared to me. Overtaken by the Assyrian army, he fought with them near his own border, but was defeated and fled. In the days of his successor, Ishbi-Irra, a vain attempt to enlist Elamite help against these western Semites failed and the city fell in 2006. This area if we look at modern-day maps would be in Soudan or Sudan. Possible Babylonian Form of the Name: Though sometimes identified with the Babylonian Sumer, the connection of Shinar with that name is doubtful. A Harmony of the Life of Jesus - Four gospel accounts in harmony. Poetical compositions concerning it exist, one of the most interesting being a lamentation possibly written after the invasion of Kudur-Nanchundi, when famine was rife in the city, blood flowed like water in E-ulbar, the house of Istar's oracle, and the enemy heaped up fire in all the goddess' lands as one heaps up embers.6. This map shows the locations of Mount Ararat and Babylon in ancient Mesopotamia. The most celebrated were the reformer Uru-ka-gina and viceroy Gudea, to whom many erections in the city were due. This location of Shinar is first mentioned in Genesis 10 in relationship to Nimrod and the building of his kingdom. (13) The Land of the Sea:The Land of the Sea (that bordering on the Persian Gulf), in which, seemingly, the Chaldeans afterward settled, seems to have played an important part in the early history of Shinar. TopicalBible A. The reference to known Babylonian cities within Shinar (Gen 10:10; 11:2) and the equation with Babylon of the Exile (Dan 1:2) makes the identification with Babylonia almost certain. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The Population:The population is naturally not homogeneous. In Isaiah 21:2 it is apparently the later Cyrus who is referred to when Elam, with Media, is called upon "to go up" to the siege of Babylon. the same as the Galilee of the Goiim ( Isa 9:1; RSV "nations"). It has been sought in the Orontes valley, between Antioch and Seleucia, and also at Wady Nahr el-Barid, leading down from Homs to the Mediterranean to the North of Tripoli. Shinar (/anr/; Hebrew nr, Septuagint Sennar) is the name for the southern region of Mesopotamia used by the Hebrew Bible. He established his kingdom "in the land of Shinar," including the cities "Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh" ( Genesis 10:10 ), of which only Babel, or Babylon, and Erech . But in recent years a number of eminent authorities have maintained that it was at the northern end of the Dead Sea, in the vicinity of Jericho. Having been the capital of the hero-king Gilgames, who saw the wonders of the wide world, spoke with the Babylonian Noah face to face, and almost attained immortality as a living man, it was always a place of romance. The Ab-e-Diz, a river with a greater volume of water, is formed by the uniting of two streams above Dizful. The new king of Elam was Umman-Menanu, who espoused the cause of Musezib-Marduk, the new king of Babylon, and gathering a force of Babylonians and Elamites at Halule, fought a battle there, in which the Babylonians record success for the allies. Jeremiah 49:35 Thus says Yahweh of Armies: Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief of their might. In Jerusalem for Hanukkah. It may be objected that the system which they introduced was cumbersome and imperfect, but they knew of nothing simpler, and modern Chinese, with which their script has been compared, is far less practical. (7) Umma:Practically East of Fara lay Umma or Gisuh (or Giuh), now Jokha. Goiim is the name of the territory ruled by Tidal ( Gen 14:1) and by an unnamed king in the Galilee region (so LXX) defeated by Joshua ( Josh 12:23 ). Sharp cold, with frost, succeeds the heat of summer, and from time to time sand-storms sweep across the plain. This is thought to refer to the annexation of the country by Teispes, and its passing, through his line-Cyrus, Cambyses, and Cyrus the Great, who were all kings of Anzan-to Darius Hystaspis. Tablets and Tombs of Late Date:Besides the inscriptions of the kings already mentioned, tablets of the reigns of Nabopolassar, Nebuchadrezzar, Nabonidus, Cyrus, Darius and some of the Seleucids have been found on the site. Apparently the Elamites now turned their attention to regaining their military prestige, the result being that an Elamite king occupied the Babylonian throne from 939 to 934 B.C. New American Bible When they were migrating from the east, they came to a valley in the land of Shinar and settled there. The States of Shinar:(1) Sippar;(2) Kes;(3) Babylon;(4) Nippur;(5) Adab;(6) Surippak;(7) Umma;(8) Erech;(9) Lagas;(10) Larsa;(11) Ur;(12) Eridu;(13) The Land of the Sea;(14) Nisin, Isin, or Karrak;(15) Upa or Upia (Opis);(16) Other Well-known Cities10. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! ); but American Revised Version, margin renders: "Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh," which translation is more accurate exegetically and not in conflict with Micah 5:6, if in the latter "land of Nimrod" be understood, not as parallel with, but as supplemental to, Assyria, and therefore as Babylon (compare commentaries of Cheyne, Pusey, S. Clark, in the place cited. As one of its early kings, Berosus mentions Alorus, "the shepherd of the people," as having reigned for 10 sari, or 36,000 years. Position and Nature of the Ruins:Its identification with Warka, on the left bank of the Euphrates, half-way between Hillah (Babylon) and Korna, is beyond a doubt. nim'-rod (nimrodh; Nebrod): A descendant of Ham, mentioned in "the generations of the sons of Noah" ( Genesis 10; compare 1 Chronicles 1:10) as a son of Cush. He established his kingdom "in the land of Shinar," including the cities "Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh" (Genesis 10:10), of which only Babel, or Babylon, and Erech, or Uruk, have been identified with certainty. and religion the thought, style and manner of these early inhabitants of Babylonia was transmitted to both contemporary and later civilizations and is of importance as the background of much in Genesis 1-11. The System Employed, with an Example1. He also defeated the king of Asnunnak. Isaiah 22:6 Elam carried his quiver, with chariots of men and horsemen; and Kir uncovered the shield. I. I will investigate further about Mt Sinai. According to the tradition, it was there that the "dark vine" grew-a type, seemingly, of the tree of life. The Sumer. (17) Dominion Passes from Assyria.To all appearance Elam now became a province of the Assyrian empire, though not for long, as this collapsed in the year 606 B.C., and the center of government was shifted to Babylon, under Nabopolassar, who became its ruler. Sargon first attacked the Chaldeans and defeated them at Dur-Athara, and, entering Elam, stormed and captured the cities of the land. In 14:3 it is identified with the Salt Sea, and in 14:10 it is said to have . In the primitive days of Mesopotamia, as also in Palestine, wild animals were so numerous that they became a menace to life and property (Exodus 23:29 Leviticus 26:22); therefore the king as benefactor and protector of his people hunted these wild beasts. Humba-haldasu II mounted the throne. Spring begins at the end of February, and vegetation advances so rapidly that harvest takes place about the end of April. 5) and a-an-a-ra in Hitt. The Amardians would seem to have been the Apirti (Hapirti), the Uxians were probably from (H)uwaja, while the Elymeans (compare 1 Maccabees 6:1) were the Elamites. His boss, who he admires, is waiting to meet with him about the big project. His descendants, if of pure race, inherited the divine grace which he enjoyed. Apparently there are no forests-the sacred groves referred to by Assur-bani-apli are thought by De Morgan to have been artificial plantations. nim'-rod (nimrodh; Nebrod): A descendant of Ham, mentioned in "the generations of the sons of Noah" (Genesis 10; compare 1 Chronicles 1:10) as a son of Cush. In his 31st he defeated Rim-Sin of Larsa, following this up, in his 32nd, by overthrowing the army of Asnunnak. A fine garment looted by Achan near Jericho was described as coming from Shinar (Josh 7:21, KJV Babylonish). as well as for the non-Sem. This center of learning maintained its independence even after the other states had been absorbed by Hammurabi and his dynasty into the Babylonian empire. Use. Umman-Menanu died at the end of the year, after a 4 years' reign, and was succeeded by Humba-haldasu I (689-682 B.C. The Population 9. The shape of the ruin is irregular, the course of the walls of the Northeast having been seemingly determined by that of the Nile canal (Shatt-en-Nil), which flowed on that side. The treacherous man deals treacherously, and the destroyer destroys. Joshua 7:21 When I saw among the spoil a beautiful Babylonian robe, two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, then I coveted them and took them. After a dispute with Umma had been settled by the intervention of Mesilim of Kish, Lagash became the dominant center. Abraham attacks raiders who captured his nephew Lot: Hittites, Hurrian, Elam, Shinarall from what is now Turkey, Iran, Iraq. In the triumphal procession at Nineveh which took place on the Assyrian army's return, the head of Te-umman and his son Tamritu figured, the former hanging from the neck of Dunanu, king of Gambulu, and the latter from the neck of Samgunu, Dunanu's brother. history. Bible Book: Genesis Type: Maps Location: Babylon, Canaan, Carchemish, Damascus, Elam, Hebron, Hittite, Huran, Hurrian, Shinar, Sodom, Ur Era: Israel's founding fathers Map Genesis 14. proper name, of a location Shinar = Babylonia (= Babylonian umr according to COT Genesis 11:1 and others, > denied by Hal Rev. includes essays, one, like Job, discussing human suffering. Possible Babylonian Form of the Name3. The great capital of the tract, however, was Susa (Shushan), whence its Greek name of Susiana, interchanging with Elymais, from the Semitic Elam.2. (8) Elam Again Supreme.Later came the military exploits of Sutruk-Nahhunte, who invaded Babylonia, slew the king Zagaga-sum-iddina, and helped by his son Kutir-Nahhunte, destroyed Sippar, and took away the stele of Naram-Sin, the code of Hammurabi, and several other monuments, which were carefully preserved at Susa. Save 15% on BibleGateway+ with code SPRINGSTUDY15. These deities were very numerous, and it is noteworthy that, though those with Sumerian names may be counted by hundreds, those with Semitic names are only to be reckoned by tens.8. This was the birthplace of the Babylonian Noah, Ut-napistim, son of Opartes (Umbara-Tutu), a Chaldean of Larancha. Everything points, therefore, to the Sumerians having been in Babylonia before the Semitic inhabitants.9. In the fourth millennium b.c. Around the rulers of the Uruk dynastyEnmerkar, Lugalbanda and Gilgameshthere grew up a series of stories of the Heroic Age, the last of these being the hero of the Babylonian flood epic. Geocoding In language, thought, literary genre, and in other ways the influence of Sumer can be said to have been immense and lived on through the Babylonians to the Greeks and the W not without leaving its mark on the OT (cf. Each city had its principal god and temple. A period of splendor under the Sem. There is evidence for a primitive form of democracy which soon clashed with the growing power of the priests and temple, but eventually outclassed the latter through the control of military forces.